Politikų ir biurokratų sąveika
Date Issued |
2011 |
Straipsnyje bandoma atsakyti į klausimą, kodėl šiuolaikiniai tyrinėtojai laikosi priešingų normatyvinių požiūrių į tai, kas ką turi kontroliuoti – politikai biurokratus ar biurokratai politikus. Atsakymas grindžiamas politikų ir biurokratų tarpusavio kova dėl viešosios politikos kontrolės. Šioje kovoje dominuoja tai vieni, tai kiti, nes dominavimas yra kintantis, priklauso nuo įvairių veiksnių. Tyrinėtojai, įžvelgiantys valstybės tarnybos dominavimą, pabrėžia būtinybę politiškai kontroliuoti biurokratiją, o įžvelgiantieji politikų dominavimą, biurokratijoje mato jėgą, galinčią neleisti politikams piktnaudžiauti galia.
The above defined differences led to a belief that a division of roles between politicians and bureaucrats is possible and that it can be further defined by dichotomies of end-means and values-facts. However, the article states that these dichotomies are not suitable for the analysis of a complex relationship between politicians and public servants. The goals and values of public policy are defined by both – politicians and bureaucrats, who have their own professional understanding of policy goals. In addition, during the process of implementation public servants tend to act according to their own views and their own values. Despite professional differences politicians and bureaucrats often struggle for the control over the public policy. While the first are driven by the ambition to win the upcoming elections, the latter are interested in obtaining their working position and the stability of their career. Public servants try to engage themselves in the policy-formation process, whereas politicians aim to have politically loyal or at least neutral bureaucracy. This power struggle is dominated by one side or the other because dominance is fluid and flexible, dependant on various factors. Those scholars who view public servants as more dominant emphasize the need to strengthen the political control of bureaucracy. And those who view politicians as more powerful see bureaucrats as a tool to control politicians and prevent abuse of power.