Jaunimo įsidarbinimo problemos Lietuvoje
Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla |
Date Issued |
2008 |
Darbdavių apklausos rezultatai: 40 proc. darbdavių jaunais žmonėmis pasitiki: 46 proc. darbdavių jaunais žmonėmis pasitiki vidutiniškai: 83 proc. darbdavių pasirenkant darbuotoją pirmenybė atiduodama turintiems praktinį patyrimą. Šalies organizacijų vadovai neįvertina ir dažnai net ignoruoja darbo vertės lygmeniu siūlydami jauniems žmonėms minimalią algą. Gerinant profesinį parengimą, labai svarbu moksleiviams sudaryti sąlygas atlikti gamybinę praktiką darbo vietoje.
However, unemployment of the youth - perhaps the most urgent social problem - did not decrease during the recent years, but it increased alongside with the general level of unemployment in the Lithuania. On the basis of the complex research and research as a part of Lithuanian Labour Exchange project, the problems of youth integration into the labour market is analysed in the article. This research covered a sociological survey of the young people registered at the labour exchanges and expert survey of the employers. The goal of this research was to evaluate the situation of the youth on the labour market and develop the trends for increasing the employment of the youth. Thus, a typical young unemployed is a person of 21-24 (6O %) having a rather low education (50 % of them did not have any vocational education), having no marketable profession, without constant income source, having no children and living together with parents and being dependant who unsuccessfully try to find his/her position on the labour market.