Biological diversity politics: conserving plant diversity from global to local scale
Date Issued |
2007 |
Conservation biology research is being performed together with social economic research in search of sustainable use of biological diversity and developing protected territories management plans. The long-term goal of in situ conservation is to protect, manage and monitor populations in natural habitats so the evolutionary processes can be handled, thus allowing new variation to be generated in the gene pool that will allow the species to survive in changing environmental conditions. It is not so simple to assess risk level of majority of endemic species and so a part of them are not included into the Red lists. The purpose of Important Plant Areas conception is to select territories, which would form the pool of territories "waiting their turn" to be integrated into the system of national protected territories. If threatened species are to be effectively conserved within boundaries of protected territories, it requires that they be adequately managed and monitored, but very few protected areas report having comprehensive monitoring and management planes.