Turizmo raidos tendencijos ES ir Lietuvos vieta jame
Date Issued |
2005 |
Tourism is one of the most dynamic and largest sectors of economics iii the world. Europe, which is unique in its tourism objects and products differentiation, plays an important role in world tourism market. 321 mln. tourists visited states of EU in 2003 years. Tourism expenditure was 211158 mln. USA dollars that year. In 2003 tourist number increase 5 percent comparing with 1999 year and tourism expenditure increase - even 18,5 percent. This indicators change very differently in other states. For example, tourist number increase in Latvia, Slovenia. Estonia, Slovakia, Sweden, but in other seven countries this indicator decrease. Level of tourism development in Cyprus and Malta is the best. Almost three tourists are to one inhabitant in this country and tourism expenditure to one inhabitant is largest in these countries. Rapid expansion of accommodation enterprise network is especially in excandidates and in Lithuania. Lithuania's tourism in the context of EU-25 is not satisfying. Our country is in 19-th place according to tourists number to one inhabitant and in 22-nd place according to tourism expenditure to one inhabitant. Unsatisfactory position is in Lithuania's hotels and similar accommodation establishment enterprises network development. Our country is in 24-th place according to absolute number of rooms and number of bed-places also count these indicators to 1000 inhabitant. Great invitations of the state, local and foreign tourism enterprises are needed to create a tourism infrastructure that would satisfy requirements of the modern world and Europe.