Savarankiškai dirbančių asmenų teisė į kolektyvines derybas ir teisė į streiką
Author(s) |
Davulis, Tomas |
Date Issued |
2020 |
This article provides a systematic analysis of the legal prerequisites and possibilities for self-employed persons to enjoy collective labour rights, such as freedom of association, right to collective bargaining, and right to collective action. Due to technological advances, an increasing number of people are opting for formal self-employment, however, their factual state often resembles the one of the employees (especially in the case of platform workers). Hence, there is an interest to explore where self-employed persons stand in terms of defending their rights collectively. The author gradually reveals how the legal status of self-employed, in particular regarding collective labour rights, has been regulated in the Republic of Lithuania, European Union as well as in the international labour law. It is also worth noting that a significant amount of them has been dedicated to the analysis of jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union to illustrate the differences between the self-employed and employees (workers).