Lietuvos savivaldybių biudžetų pajamų ir išlaidų analizė
Statistikos departamentas prie Lietuvos Respublikos Vyriausybės |
Date Issued |
2005 |
Savivaldos institucijų ekonominės veiklos efektyvumui būtini didesni finansiniai ištekliai bei didesnis savivaldybių savarankiškumas juos naudojant. Tyrimas parodė, jog Lietuvos savivaldybių finansinis savarankiškumas nepakankamas ir atsilieka nuo europinio lygio. Kita vertus, fiskalinę decentralizaciją riboja ir objektyvios priežastys - dauguma šalies savivaldybių, palyginti su Europos šalimis, yra mažos ir finansiškai silpnos ir be valstybės paramos neišsiverstų, ne visos savivaldybės turi pakankamai kvalifikuotą specialistų potencialą efektyviai tvarkyti savo finansinius išteklius.
Development of democratic principles in the European countries also stimulates decentralization processes in the sphere of the state control by relegating the ever greater part of public affairs management to local government institutions and enhancing thereby their significance in the state control. The European local government charter states that local government institutions make a basis for any democratic system. Local government means that local authorities, within the limits established by the law, have the right and capability to manage and control a part of public affairs in the interests of local population, taking over the whole responsibility. Local authorities have the right to accomplish the functions delegated by central or regional authorities, at their own discretion and taking into consideration local conditions. These statements also refer to the economic sphere' and their realization would allow an increase in the economic effectiveness of local government. The decentralization process, based on the mentioned principles, takes the shape of the so-called fiscal decentralization in the economic sphere. The fiscal decentralization is conceived as enhancement of financial independence of local authorities, by delimiting the functions of the local and central authorities in the public economic sector, and by allocating appropriately financial resources to pursue these functions. Economic foundation of such decentralization is enhancement of efficiency of the public economic sector. Centralized supply of standard wealth disregarding a specific character of individual regions of the country and a variety of the needs of social groups conditions its inadequacy to the needs of society. In this case, decentralization of the public sector will stimulate economic efficiency by establishing more favorable conditions to supply public wealth and meet the consumers' needs the best.