Socialinių įmonių plėtros kryptys Lietuvoje
Date Issued |
2014 |
Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos socialinių įmonių plėtros aktualijos ir tendencijos Lietuvoje. Nustatyti socialinių įmonių požymių ypatumai, atlikta socialinių įmonių veiklos krypčių lyginamoji analizė Europos Sąjungoje. Aptariamos socialinių įmonių plėtros tendencijos Lietuvoje nuo 2005 m. Vertinant socialinių įmonių veiklas nustatyta, kad jos beveik po lygiai pasiskirsčiusios paslaugų ir gamybos sektoriuose. Aptarti Lietuvos Respublikos socialinių įmonių įstatymo pakeitimai bei taikymo aspektai, indentifikuotos valstybės pagalbos socialinėms įmonėms stiprybės ir silpnybės. Atliekant tyrimą, buvo siekiama išnagrinėti Lietuvos socialinių įmonių padėties pokyčius, atskleisti vystymosi problemas bei galimybes.
Lithuanian social enterprises development trends at the end o f 2012 were as following: there were 136 social enterprises, of which 75 - disability social enterprises. During 2012 social enterprise status granted to 4 enterprises, disability social enterprise to 1 enterprise. The number o f social enterprises in the years 2005-2012 shows decreasing trends of social enterprises in Lithuania. The biggest number of enterprises is that of the enterprises which received the status in 2005 and accounted for 24.4 percent of total number of all enterprises in the state. In 2011 the number of social enterprises decreased slightly till 7 and in 2012 only 4 enterprises were established. During the period 2005-2010 number of disability social enterprises could be characterized by continuous growth as employers had the opportunity to employ people with disabilities and use of the various categories of State assistance. In 2010 (22 companies) the number of social disability enterprises was almost the same as in 2005. In 20112012 very few enterprises have received disability social enterprise status. It depended on amendments to the law and changes in the procedure for granting the status of disability social enterprise. It can be presumed that social enterprises are almost equally distributed in the services and manufacturing sectors. However, the data show that the great majority of people with disabilities in social enterprises worked in the services field. These companies accounted for61.1 percent of all businesses because many people with disabilities cannot perform more difficult physical work and work related to unhealthy factors.