Nukentėjusiojo interesai baudžiamajame procese
Date Issued |
2012 |
Nukentėjusiojo procesinės figūros svarba suponuoja ypatingą poreikį atsižvelgti į jo teisėtus interesus ir lūkesčius. Nukentėjusiojo interesai baudžiamajame procese ne visada sutampa su dominuojančiu visuomenės ir valstybės interesu baudžiamajame procese. Šio straipsnio tikslas yra išskirti nukentėjusiojo interesus siekiant padėti pagrindą geresniam jų užtikrinimui, nes tik pažinus gynybos dalyką galima ieškoti efektyvių šių interesų gynybos būdų. Straipsnio tiriamuoju objektu pasirinkti nukentėjusiojo interesai baudžiamajame procese: pateikiama jų klasifikacija, atskleidžiamas turinys ir atskirų interesų tarpusavio sąsajos. Taip pat apžvelgiami baudžiamojo proceso teoriniai modeliai, atskleidžiantys skirtingus požiūrius į nukentėjusiojo vaidmenį baudžiamajame procese.
Restitution is interpreted as the interest of the victim to restore the status quo that existed before the crime was committed against him. Thus, restitution comprises not only of the demand for the reparation of material and non-material damages, but the need for an apology from the offender, actual reconciliation and restoration of a benevolent relationship as well. Procedural interest of the victim is the interest to participate in the proceedings and to make an impact on the progress of the case. The exercise of procedural rights gives an opportunity for the victim of crime to defend his/her position in the criminal case and to accomplish the function of criminal procedure effectively. Procedural remedies of the protection of material interests can obtain two legal forms—the procedural status of the victim or the procedural status of the private prosecutor. The concept of participation in criminal procedure can be defined as the possibility to control, the right to have a say and to be listened to, as well as being treated with dignity and respect. The main factor influencing the satisfaction of the victim with the system of criminal justice is not the formal role of the victim in the proceedings, but the level of dignity and respect towards him. The concept of participation in criminal procedure includes the right to receive information as well.