Atleidimas nuo baudžiamosios atsakomybės Konstitucijos ir konstitucinės jurisprudencijos kontekste
Author(s) | |
Prapiestis, Jonas | Vilniaus universitetas |
Date Issued |
2006 |
Straipsnyje analizuojama atleidimo nuo baudžiamosios atsakomybės instituto prigimtis, paskirtis, reikšmė Lietuvos Respublikos Konstitucijos nuostatų, konstitucinių baudžiamosios teisės principų kontekste. Atskleidžiamos atleidimo nuo baudžiamosios atsakomybės instituto konstitucinės ištakos, šio instituto vieta baudžiamosios teisės sistemoje bei svarba valstybės baudžiamojoje politikoje. Konstatuojama šiuolaikinėje baudžiamojoje teisėje ryškėjanti sutaikomosios funkcijos tendencija. Tai daroma remiantis ir Lietuvos Respublikos bei kitų valstybių konstitucine jurisprudencija.
The fundamental and cardinal changes in the Lithuanian legal system, law-making and its tendencies, the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court, as well as theoretical works of legal scientists and practitioners testify that at present in the domestic policy of the state the issues of entrenchment of human rights and freedoms in laws, the constitutionality of their implementation and protection, efficiency, the legal regulation of the interaction among the individual, society and the state when ensuring the priority of the human being and the citizen and similar questions have become of utmost importance. All this implies that in modern criminal law and criminal procedure law one must pay more attention to the ensuring of the rights and freedoms as well as dignity of the victim and to the defence and protection of these values. It is worth noticing that while seeking to attain the above-mentioned objectives, in criminal law and in criminal procedure one must establish the legal regulation which would ensure both the priority of legitimate interests of the victim and which,alongside, would not ignore the interests of the culprit nor those of the whole society and the state. Thus, the aforesaid legal regulation should co-ordinate the private interests (of the victim and the culprit) and the public interests (of the state and society). The institute of exemption of criminal liability is defined as a concrete form of realising,in criminal law, of the striving for an open, just and harmonious civil society and state under the rule of law, which is entrenched in the Constitution. Alongside, it is pointed out that this institute reflects the efforts of the legislator to seek, by means of penal policies, for co-ordination and agreement of different interests.