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Idealistinės stilistikos ir literatūros fenomenologijos sąsajos B. Ciplijauskaitės literatūros kritikoje
Type of publication
Straipsnis kitoje duomenų bazėje / Article in other database (S4)
Author(s) | |
Lietuvių literatūros ir tautosakos institutas |
Title [lt]
Idealistinės stilistikos ir literatūros fenomenologijos sąsajos B. Ciplijauskaitės literatūros kritikoje
Other Title [en]
Connections between idealist stylistics and literary phenomenology in Ciplijauskaitė’s literary criticism
Date Issued
Date Issued |
2014 |
p. 101-119
Is part of
Oikos : lietuvių migracijos ir diasporos studijos / Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas, Lietuvių išeivijos institutas. Vilnius : Versus aureus, 2014, Nr. 2(18).
Field of Science
Abstract (en)
The assumptions guiding this article are taken from the dissertation research entitled B. Ciplijauskaitės literatūrologijos paradigmos, thereby revealing a Lithuanian emigration figure of exceptional stature as well as the importance of her work not only in a Spanish context but also in an international one. Deeper acquaintance with B. Ciplijauskaitė and her essays of literary criticism discloses new, international horizons for Lithuanian studies beyond those of the better-known figures of Algirdas Julius Greimas and Vytautas Kavolis. The conceptions of literary criticism deveoped by B. Ciplijauskaitė have received much attention and are still considered to be among the most important ones in Spanish studies today.
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Type of document
type::text::journal::journal article::research article
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Coverage Spatial
Lietuva / Lithuania (LT)
Lietuvių / Lithuanian (lt)
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