Studentų dalyvavimas universitetų valdyme
Lietuvos viešojo administravimo lavinimo institucijų asociacija |
Date Issued |
2013 |
Studijų tarptautinimas ir įvairios tarpuniversitetinių mainų programos sudaro studentams sąlygas įgyti naujos patirties ir, atstovaujant įvairiose aukštųjų mokyklų valdymo struktūrose, tą patirtį perduoti universitetams, kuriuose jie mokosi.
This article examines the development of postage stamps, contemporary publishing trends and investment issues. The concept of postage stamps publishing as a separate object was formed quite recently. It is still a poorly studied area in the economy field. Great attention is paid to Lithuanian postage stamps publishing trends and global view towards Lithuanian postage stamps as it implies the demand of Lithuanian postage stamps. The article analyses Lithuanian and EU member states' postage stamps' aggregate nominal and the number of different postage stamps emitted per year trends, postal services sector's indicators and appropriate examples for Lithuania, the view of various filatelists from all over the world towards Lithuanian postage stamps in various aspects, the impact of philatelic organisations and international philatelic events for postage stamps publishing and demand. The analysis reveals the strengths the weaknesses of the Lithuanian postage stamps and a need for futher researches.