Efectes de les temperatures del foc en les cendres produïdes per algunes espècies vegetals mediterrànies
Institut d'Estudis Catalans |
The aim of this work is study the effects of the temperature on the ash produced from some Mediterranean species throughout laboratory fire simulations and estimate the effects of prescribed burning. The results show that at the same temperature the severity is higher in Firms than in Quercus species. Also we observed that at reduced temperatures the % of Total Carbon (TC) and Total Nitrogen (TN) could increase, being reduced at higher temperatures. It was observed a significative reduction of the C/N in all species (with exception of Quercus suber) and a significant increase of pH.Electrical Conductivity (EC). In the ash collected in the prescribed fire, it was identified a significative reduction ofTC and C/N and an increase of ashTN, pH and EC.