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Setting rational limits of using renewing methods of wheel-set
Type of publication
Straipsnis kitoje duomenų bazėje / Article in other database (S4)
Author(s) | |
Somov, Dmitrij | Kauno technologijos universitetas |
Bazaras, Žilvinas | Kauno technologijos universitetas |
Žukauskaitė, Orinta |
Title [en]
Setting rational limits of using renewing methods of wheel-set
Other Title [en]
Riteņu atjaunošanas metožu pielietošanas racionālie nosacījumi
Date Issued
Date Issued |
2009 |
p. 46-48
Is part of
Mašīnzinātne un transports: dzelzcela transports = Transport and engineering: railway transport. Riga : RTU Publishing House, 2009, vol. 32.
Series/Report no.
Rīgas tehniskās universitātes zinātniskie raksti = Scientific proceedings of Riga Technical University
Field of Science
Keywords (en)
Abstract (en)
At all repair enterpraises, despite decreased rim wear-off resistance, after every grinding only geometry wheel profile parameters are renewed. Exploit wheel rim work edge decrease tendency is noticed what induced acquiring new wheels. This is related to considerable axle load and train speed increase and also because of wheek work edge repair method imperfection.
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Type of document
type::text::journal::journal article::research article
ISSN (of the container)
Coverage Spatial
Latvija / Latvia (LV)
Anglų / English (en)
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