Promoting socially responsible decision on safe food Consumption via on-line social networking
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2013 |
Purpose – to determine the scope of on-line social networks in promoting socially responsible decision on safe food consumption. Design/methodology/approach – analysis of scientific literature, synthesis, case study of an online social networking site Findings – the scope of on-line social networks in promoting socially responsible decision on safe food consumption is described. Trends for further research revealed. Research limitations/implications – this research paper is the background in order to create a socially responsible consumption model based on the impact of active participation at on-line social networks. Limitations of this paper are as follows: empirical analysis for promoting socially responsible decisions is carried out only by case analysis of a particular online social networking site; in order to create socially responsible consumption model a deeper empirical analysis is necessary (a quantitative analysis is planned for the further research). Practical implications – in the era of globally advertised non-natural food production the scope of on-line social networks in promoting socially responsible decision on safe food consumption is growing: giving the right information about the composition of the production, helping to come to a decision to use safe food. Case study reveals the possible types of social technologies to be used in this process. Originality/Value – the scope of on-line social networks in promoting socially responsible decisions on safe food consumption is revealed in this paper. Only socially responsible business can remain and grow in the market.