Прилог проучавању феномена политолингвистичког аспекта нестанка СФР Југославије
Институт за политичке студиjе |
Date Issued |
2014 |
Croatian appropriation of the Serbian cultural- historical heritage based on the Ijekavian vernacular idiom of the Serb Shtokavian speech (language). In this way, it also opened the door for the Croatian state- territorial expansion eastward to the River of Drina and the Branko‘ s Bridge on the River of Sava in Belgrade, which soon was put on the agenda in 1971−1972 within the political goals of the nationalist Croatian Spring or the Mass Movement. The research task of this paper is to contribute to the study of phenomena of the politolinguistic aspect of decay, destruction and demolition of the former common state of almost all the South Slavs. For the vast majority (75%) of the Yugoslavs the native language was the Serbo- Croatian or Croato- Serb. We will also offer a brief summary of the linguistic situation in post-Yugoslavia‘ s independent states in which at the time of the SFRJ the Serbo- Croatian or Croato- Serbian was the official language and linguistically unique. However, this language has a policentric standardization within the same (SFRY) state that was the unique phenomenon in both Europe and in the world. Researching politolinguistic aspect of disappearance of the SFRY is an important contribution to the efforts of discovering the reasons and goals of breaking up until recently a common state for more than 23 million people; a country that was the largest and most populous of the Balkan Peninsula. This short analysis of the politolinguistic aspect of disappearance of the SFRY, it was used, in addition to the comparative method, and the method of the text analysis as a form of sociolinguistic discerning in the role and function of the language in the creation of national identity and nation- state boundaries. In this research it was used also and a methodological principle of complementarity in terms of the mutual complement of the data from various sources and literature.