Vandentiekio privatizavimas JAV miestuose
Date Issued |
2012 |
Straipsnyje aptariami JAV miestuose vykdomos vandentiekio privatizacijos klausimai bei apžvelgiama kelių miestų, kurie šiai privatizacijai skyrė prioritetą, patirtis. Netobulas miesto vandentiekio sistemos privatizavimas suteikia galimybę pasimokyti – o jei ir nėra iš ko mokytis, tai bent jau galima pamatyti, ko neverta daryti privatizacijos procese. Daugiau nei 40 procentų visų JAV geriamojo vandens sistemų priklauso privačioms paslaugų įmonėms. Pastaraisiais metais visų savivaldybėms priklausančių sistemų privatizacija, sudarant sutartis, išaugo apie 60 procentų, Savivaldybių atlikti tyrimai parodė, kad valstybės tarnautojai griebiasi privatizacijos, susidarius fiskalinei krizei arba paaiškėjus, jog privatizacija buvo naudinga kitoms jurisdikcijoms, nes nori sumažinti išlaidas ir pritraukti privataus kapitalo investicijų.
Why do cities privatise? The top two reasons that the governments privatise are an internal effort to reduce costs (about 90% of the respondents) and external fiscal pressures (about 53%). In other words, governments privatise to save money. An identified infrastructure decay is another important reason; municipalities needed costly new or rehabilitated infrastructure and thus entered into public-private partnerships. Privatisation did provide the expected cost saving. This article describes some basic principles that guided the privatisation/competition effort: the key is competition - privatisation is only one of the possible outcomes; competition will be public and open to all qualified contestants; cross-functional evaluation terms will evaluate competitive responses; as far as practical, current employees will be encouraged to compete; accurate costaccounting information is needed to compare proposals; when in doubt about possible savings, let the marketplace speak; contracts have to contain performance standards and provide economic incentives for good performance. Also, they should be managed effectively. The author describes the practice of water supply privatisation contracts in the USA municipalities. This experience is extremely valuable for other countries.