Socialinės partnerystės teisinio reglamentavimo ypatumai
Author(s) | |
Lukošiūnas, Laurynas |
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2013 |
Socialinė partnerystė yra tas instrumentas, kurio pagalba yra derinami darbuotojų ir darbdavių savo prigimtimi priešingi interesai ir užtikrinama socialinė santarvė bei ekonominė sėkmė. Moksliniame straipsnyje pateikiamos socialinės partnerystės įtakos ir galimybės, reguliuojant darbo teisinius santykius Europos Sąjungoje ir Lietuvoje, analizė. Kadangi socialinės partnerystės institutas yra sąlyginai naujas Lietuvoje ir neturintis gilių tradicijų, kaip senosiose Europos Sąjungos šalyse, analizuojami socialinės partnerystės reglamentavimo trūkumai ir pateikiami sprendimo būdai.
Since Lithuania joined the European Union the regulation of the national social partnership became dependent not only on the national law, but also on the legislation of the European Union and the decisions of the European Union Court of Justice. Lithuania, having only the basics of the social partnership, was integrated into the unique economic, legal and social environment in which the social partners – organisations of employees and employers – have very deep traditions of the harmonisation of the interests. It is essential to use the experience gained in the European Union for further development of the social partnership localy. Lithuania pays more and more attention so as to harmonise the interests of the employees and employers. Legal fundament of the social partnership according to the example of the old European Union Member States and under the international standards is beeing developed. In every democratic state it is very important to harmonise interests of the different social groups and find common solutions. Social partnership is an instrument which helps to align the interests of employees and employers and ensures social harmony and brings economic success. In this scientific article the impact and the possibilities of the social partners in regulation of legal labor relations in the European Union and Lithuania is being analysed. Seeing that the institute of the social partnership is relatively new in Lithuania and has no deep traditions as in the older Member States of the European Union countries (and the European Union itself), the authors are analysing appropriate problems related to the lack of regulation and good practice.