Problems of pre-trial investigation of legal disputes in the territorial planning
Date Issued |
2011 |
The process of territorial planning is complicated, because there are different and even opposite interest of persons related with particular territory. Administrative legal regulation of territorial planning in Lithuania underlies emergence of a legal conflict, namely the administrative litigation. Investigation of the administrative dispute applying the pre-litigation procedure allows the parties thereof to save both money and time. This article presents the problematic aspects of the pre-trial investigation of the administrative disputes arising in the area of territorial planning. The article is composed of an introduction, three parts and conclusions. In the first part the characteristics of the disputes arising in the area of territorial planning, the preconditions of origin, and the demand for the pre-trial investigation thereof are analyzed. Legal regulation of pre-trial investigation out-of-court of the disputes arising in the area of territorial planning is revealed in the second part. In the third part key provisions of the reform of the pre-trial investigation out-of-court of the disputes arising in the area of territorial planning are discussed.
Galiojantis teisinis reguliavimas neišsamiai reglamentuoja galimybę ginčus, kylančius teritorijų planavimo procese, išspręsti kreipiantis į ikiteismines institucijas. Naujai parengtame Teritorijų planavimo įstatymo projekte nustatoma privaloma ikiteisminė tokio pobūdžio ginčų nagrinėjimo procedūra. Atlikus galiojančių teisės aktų, reglamentuojančių teisinius santykius teritorijų planavimo srityje ir Teritorijų planavimo įstatymo projekto analizę, nustatyta, kad nei galiojantis, nei rengiamas teisinis reglamentavimas neužtikrina asmens teisės į greitą, rezultatyvų, efektyvų ir kokybišką ikiteisminį administracinio ginčo išsprendimą.