Naujos informacinės technologijos nuolatiniame mokymosi procese
Date Issued |
2001 |
Kaip teigiama Hamburgo deklaracijoje, kiekvienam žmogui reikia turėti galimybę susipažinti su naujausia informacija. Tačiau naujų informacinių technologijų (NIT) plėtra kelia socialinio ir profesinio atsiribojimo pavojų individų grupėms ir net atskiroms firmoms, kurios nesugeba adaptuotis šiame kontekste. Taigi vienas iš suaugusiųjų švietimo vaidmenų ateityje turėtų būti sumažinti šį atsiribojimo pavojų, kad žinių visuomenė neprarastų žmogiškojo veiksnio.
Article deals with the problem of creation a psychological model of using NIT for lifelong learning at the University. As the data show, using NIT in lifelong learning is a challenge to higher education, because it demands psychological preparation for everyone, using NIT: a) it demands adaptation for the users of NIT to the new and changing learning environments; b) it demands new relationships among teachers and students, students–students and teachers–teachers; c) it demands applying new learning/teaching methods. Lifelong learning, using NIT, demands teaching staff and professors continuously up–date their knowledge and skills using NIT, because new information technologies are changing and developing all the time, to implement new learning and teaching methods, to be able to evaluate their effectiveness using NIT and to be able to answer to the changing learning needs of their students, to provide non traditional feedback with their non traditional students; to be able to accept his role as a lifelong learner, organiser, facilitator of learning, co–ordinator, manager, computer user, researcher, etc. Using NIT demands changes of a role of the students and of their teachers. Students need continuously up–date their knowledge and skills using NIT, answering to the tasks of their teachers and changing demands of their future qualifications and very rapidly growing new applications of NIT; they should adapt to new learning styles, to become self–directed learner, to be able to adapt to a changing role of a worker, answering to the new requirements for the jobs, to adapt to the new type of interactions with peers and teachers, to be able to overcome fear and stress of NIT. So psychological model of using NIT for lifelong learning in higher education consists of the following components: the development of students motivation of lifelong learning and ability using NIT, the development of psychological peculiarities of the teacher‟s personality and creation of adequate learning environments in the process of learning.