Kilnojamojo turto įkeitimo reglamentavimo aspektai
Date Issued |
2006 |
Civilinis kodeksas galioja jau penkerius metus, bet ne visi kodekse numatyti teisės institutai taikomi. Straipsnyje analizuojamas sandėliavimo verslui reikšmingas sandėlių dokumentų institutas, šio instituto teisinė prigimtis, reikšmė įkeitimo santykiams, įkeitimo, pasaugos rūšies - sandėliavimo - kodifikuotų teisės normų santykis su specialiomis teisės normomis, įtvirtinančiomis sandėliavimo dokumentų sistemą, pastebėti šių teisės normų prieštaravimai bei galimybės kitaip reguliuoti sandėliuojamų prekių įkeitimą, nei nustato bendros įkeitimo taisyklės, o tai galbūt paskatintų komercinius bankus naudotis nauju produktu įkeitimo rinkoje - sandėliavimo dokumentais.
Warehouses not only serve the purpose of ensuring the safekeeping of goods transferred therein, they also enable the participation of such goods in the market during the period of their storage. Such a function cannot be performed by every warehouse, it is possible only at the so-called logistic centers. The term "goods" is used to express not the type of the warehouse, but its purpose. By the way of the storage of goods, warehouses ensure both their participation in the market and a possibility for their future disposal. In order to achieve this purpose, warehouse warrants have been introduced. Warehouse warrants confirm the conclusion of a contract for the storage of goods, which is a type of a contract for deposit. At the same time, those documents enable the commodities under storage in the warehouses to be used profitably in credit relationships, i.e. in acquiring a loan by using ware-house warrants as collateral for the commodities, as well as by mortgaging the warrants themselves as securities. A ware-house warrant conforms to the value of the commodity under storage and makes it possible to be used instead of the commodity in order to ensure the circulation of commodities while they are stored in the warehouse. Such documents representing/certifying commodities facilitate and expedite the conclusion of contracts, therefore, to some extent they can be seen as performing an organizational function - to facilitate market circulation. A warehouse warrant is a unique kind of document in the sense that it has a dual legal nature: it is a security and at the same time it is also a document to certify the right to dispose of the commodities, therefore its transfer is equivalent to a transfer of commodities themselves.