Fizinio skausmo sukėlimo nustatymo ir BK 140 straipsnyje numatyto nusikaltimo pripažinimo mažareikšmiu probleminiai aspektai
Date Issued |
2014 |
Straipsnyje analizuojama nusikaltimo, numatyto Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamojo kodekso 140 straipsnyje, sudėties taikymo probleminiai aspektai. Daugiausia dėmesio skiriama fizinio skausmo nustatymo problemai. Straipsnyje autorė aptaria fizinio skausmo ir nežymaus sveikatos sutrikdymo pripažinimo mažareikšmėmis veikomis problematiką. Teorinė analizė grindžiama teismų praktika.
It should be mentioned that physical abuse does not always cause physical pain, and not every caused physical pain is dangerous, illegal and harmful. While applying criminal liability for causing of physical pain, one has to define the boundaries of criminality of such actions reasonably. Adjudging of person’s actions, a crime shall not be made just formally without assessment of the fact whether the illegality of such actions has criminal nature, and whether their hazard is sufficient for considering them a crime. A formal statement that physical pain is caused is not enough. Criminal liability can be applied only in the case when the illegality of person’s behavior reaches criminal liability application hazard level. The intensity and degree of caused physical pain, as well as harm of caused pain to life and health of a certain person, shall be criteria for the application of criminal liability. The article also includes the conclusion that special medical knowledge is not required for the statement of physical pain. The fact of causing of physical pain can be stated by the court basing on the case material data, confirming the fact of previous beating or other violent actions. While stating that causing of physical pain is a harmful act, one shall base on the perception of a certain injured person (subjective criteria) and physical ability to make harm to a person (objective criteria), considering physical ability of a certain injured person. [...]