Tarminė leksika ir leksinės svetimybės Agnės Žagrakalytės romane „Eigulio duktė: byla F 117"
Author(s) | |
Kačiuškienė, Genovaitė | Šiaulių universitetas |
Daugavpils Universitāte Humanitārā fakultāte |
Date Issued |
2016 |
Agnė Žagrakalytė (born in 1979) is one of the most interesting new generation writers of Lithuania – a poet, essayist, literary critic, prose writer – and comes from the dialectal area of northern Panevėžys residents, Pasvalys. Her novel "Eigulio duktė: byla F 117" was published by "Tyto alba" publishing house in 2013; it received "Patriotai" and Jurga Ivanauskaitė awards for a free, open, and courageous artistic expression in 2014, and was also one of the contestants for the Book of the Year award. The article refers to abundant illustrative material while discussing the language of the novel "Eigulio dukra: byla F 117" by Agnė Zagrakalytė. The material under investigation demonstrates that an important role in the novel is attributed to lexical barbarisms (ancient barbarisms) and dialectal lexis (dialectisms) characteristic of the dialectal area of northern Panevėžys residents pertaining to eastern Aukštaičiai. The novel mostly contains morphonemic and lexical dialectisms with specific lesions of word stems or roots, or certain specific word forms made according to individual word formation models. For example, pašioti 'pešioti', tėtė 'tėtė', skaibyti 'skabyti', kaugelis 'kūgis, kūgelis'. Usually words typical of this region are used: ėglis 'kadagys', gryčia 'namas', prisieiti 'tekti', balsiai 'garsiai', mazgilis 'mazgotė', pakasynos 'laidotuvės', apsėdai 'šermenys', there are numerous derivatives made from diminutive suffixes -elis, -ė, -ėlis, -elytė, -(i)ukas, etc. Morphological dialectisms incident to eastern Aukštaičiai are also present in the text, for example, naming a person according to their spouses' profession or name (advokatienė 'advokato žmona'), peculiar compounds (gelžkelis 'geležinkelis'), dialectal variations of numerals or pronouns (dvijen 'dvi', abuodu 'abudu'), usage of prefix par- specific of the dialect, etc.