Quality of student–faculty interaction at university
Author(s) | |
Criado-Gomis, Ana | University of Almeria, Spain |
Iniesta-Bonillo, M. Angeles | University of Almeria, Spain |
Sanchez-Fernandez, Raquel | University of Almeria, Spain |
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2012 |
Studentų ir dėstytojų sąveika turi teigiamą poveikį studentų suvokimo apie universiteto vertybes universitete formavimui, savęs identifikavimuisi su universitetu ir lojalumu jam. Todėl labai svarbu analizuoti santykius, besiformuojančius tarp studentų ir universiteto kaip specifinės paslaugos teikėjo. Atlikus aprašomąjį tyrimą dviejuose Ispanijos universitetuose, šiame straipsnyje analizuojami ryšiai tarp lyties ir IRT naudojimo, kaip svarbaus informacijos apie vertybių suvokimą, pasitenkinimą ir lojalumą švietimo institucijoms, studentų ir dėstytojų sąveikos veiksnio. Straipsnyje diskutuojama, kaip šie veiksniai daro poveikį santykiui, egzistuojančiam tarp studentų ir universiteto, ir kaip pagerinti jų sąveiką.
1.00 was compared to an unconstrained model. Findings—Internal consistency of the scales and the results for discriminant validity allowed the estimation of the structural model, confirming the proposed hypothesis. Thus, ICT usage shows a positive influence on the quality of the student-faculty interaction, and there are significant differences in the quality of interaction by gender, since this one is higher in women than in men. Research limitations/implications—The proposed model and associated measurement instruments can reliably and consistently be applied for higher educational institutions, providing useful information for strategic decisions of universities. It would be interesting to replicate and extend this study to other contexts, including other related and moderating variables. Practical implications—These results have several academic and managerial implications for universities and nonprofit organizations. The findings show that the level of the student’s ICT usage contributes to create and maintain the link or closeness between students and their University. Successful ICT integration is clearly related to the learning process in terms of the student-professor relationship, and that there are differences in the way men and women develop their academic relationships. Originality/Value—This study contributes to the development of educational literature, providing a scale of the quality of the interaction in this context, which has never been tested before in this field. The same happens with the analysis of the effects of using ICT in the student perception of that interaction, as well as differences between men and women, tested for the first time in this context.