Kultūros ir jos sintezės refleksija XIX a. pab. – XX a. pr. lietuvių inteligentų pasaulėžiūroje
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2014 |
Globalizacija iškelia ribų – tarp kultūros sričių, tarp specialiųjų mokslų – klausimą. Šiame procese ieškoma vietos humanitariniams mokslams. Panašios problemos imtos svarstyti Lietuvoje ir praeito šimtmečio pradžioje. Pozityvistai ir socialistai bet kokius dvasios mokslus atmetė kaip neteikiančius jokios praktinės naudos, todėl ir nereikalingus. Dvasininkai, priešingai, laikydamiesi atnaujinto tomizmo pažiūrų, teigė, kad galima skirtingų kultūros sričių sintezė, pateikianti visuminį pasaulio vaizdą. Materialistai, neigdami tokią galimybę, mokslams taip pat kėlė universalų tikslą suvienyti žmoniją, tačiau socialiniu pagrindu. Tokia pažiūra buvo visai nepriimtina romantikams, kultūroje svarbiausią vaidmenį numačiusiems dvasios mokslams, galintiems atkleisti žmogaus ir tautos ypatingumą.
Processes of globalization rapidly reduce the boundaries between traditional special sciences and thus create new challenges for the creators of these sciences, i.e. contemporary human. Despite the unique degree of globalization during the last century, this process is not new. Therefore, a constant need for rethinking of cultural and historical heritage emerges. This article focuses on the period from the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, when professional philosophy was not developed for objective reasons but intellectuals of different views (both catholic and secular) sought to reflect on contemporary processes. Even though the questions of nationality were the most relevant at the end of 19th century, the problems of culture and questions on interaction between different fields of culture were also discussed at that time. The question what kind of culture and science should exist to develop matured and balanced personality is discussed in the article. This question is discussed from a historical perspective. Three different prevailing world outlooks can be distinguished during the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries. Materialists (positivists, socialists) denied any spiritual science if not as useless or even harmful, then as minor. As the only goal, i.e. to solve contemporary (social) problems, for science was set, then sciences which provide accurate and useful knowledge are only needed. Therefore, any question on humanities or other fields of spiritual culture is rejected.