Ūkio subjektų veiklos koncentracijų kontrolės tikslai ir pagrindinės vertinimo taisyklės
Mykolo Romerio universitetas |
Date Issued |
2012 |
Straipsnio autoriai pristato pagrindines koncentracijų vertinimo taisykles, atskleidžia kiekvienos iš taisyklių tinkamumą vertinti visų rūšių koncentracijų pasekmes rinkai. Šiame straipsnyje nagrinėjamos trys pagrindinės jurisdikcijos – Lietuvos Respublikos, Europos Sąjungos bei JAV, atskleidžiami juose vyraujantys ūkio subjektų koncentracijų kontrolės tikslai bei kiekvienai iš jurisdikcijų priskiriama konkreti vertinimo taisyklė, keliami tokie pagrindiniai klausimai: taisyklių ypatumai bei skirtumai, taip pat taisyklių universalaus taikymo alternatyva.
Furthermore, the new European Union rule of “significant impediment of competition” can be named as a smart European decision that tackled several problems: the practice of the Court of Justice remained applicable for future cases, because no serious changes to the wording of the rule were made. The detection of “dominant position” became only an alternative means to impede competition. In addition to this, the USA, the UK rule of “substantial lessening of competition” is compared to the two rules referred above. The concept of “monopoly” used in the wording of the rule, as well as the practice of the USA courts concerning the evaluation of market concentrations is analysed. We conclude that literally the phrases “significant impediment of competition” and “substantial lessening of competition” are different, but the content of these rules is the same. Different decisions taken in the same or similar cases on both sides of the Atlantic depend not on a certain rule but on the means of its application and some other circumstances (social, political factors, etc.). Finally, it is argued that practice of the evaluation of concentrations in the Republic of Lithuania is extremely poor. According to the present findings of the Competition Council of the Republic of Lithuania, it is hard to say the kind of approach the Council follows or, in other words, what kind of a rule the Council applies. Despite the fact that competition law in Lithuania was updated in conformity with the changes made in the EU competition law, we state that the test of “dominance” is further applied in certain concentration cases.