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Europos Sąjungos raidos tendencijų ir perspektyvų klausimu
Type of publication
Straipsnis kitoje duomenų bazėje / Article in other database (S4)
Title [lt]
Europos Sąjungos raidos tendencijų ir perspektyvų klausimu
Other Title [en]
On the question of the tendencies and perspectives of the development of the European Union
Date Issued
Date Issued |
2004 |
p. 15-22
Is part of
Filosofija. Sociologija / Lietuvos mokslų akademija. Vilnius : LMA l-kla, 2004, Nr. 1.
Field of Science
Abstract (lt)
Straipsnyje aptariami veiksniai, kuriantys šiuolaikinę Europos Sąjungą, ir kartu tuose pačiuose veiksniuose įžvelgiamos pagrindinės grėsmės jos ateičiai. Aiškinamasi, kokios galimybės slypi teisëje stabilizuojant šią Sąjungą ir garantuojant jos raidą, ypač negausių tautų – Europos Sàjungos narių teises. Atskleidþiamas socialinës teisinës valstybės kaip Europos Sąjungos ideologinio, teisinio pagrindo vidinis prieštaringumas: pernelyg toli siekianti þmogaus teisių sauga apibrėžiama kaip naujai kylanti grësmë toms pačioms þmogaus teisėms.
Abstract (en)
- The ideological and legal base of the EU is the social legal statehood, which is contradictory itself: a) the policy of the protection of human rights, because of the restraint of the states’ will by human rights (the rule of Law), turns into a new menace for the same human rights today: states become bankrupt to block efficiently criminal aggression (and especially its new forms – terrorism and other forms of organized criminality); b) social statehood is contradictory, too. It ensures the universal welfare and also the stability of social structures. This is reached by social programmes while stimulating man-consumer (this is one of the reasons of the migration to the West) and suppressing man-creator. This inevitably turns into deceleration of the rates of economical progress: this fact leads to the new social stresses and their results. 3. It will be important to solve the relations between the economical and national factors, the dialectics of openness and closure, of integration and distance, to reconsider the contemporary concept of Law (human rights), the relations of the state and Law in the future. Eurointegration and its future are permanent problems of the search and creation of the new balances; they are a permanent process of acquisitions and losses, a permanent discussion of the progress and regress, which needs clear and dynamic ideology. One of the guidelines of such discussion may be the concept of the personalistic law (legal personalism).
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Type of document
type::text::journal::journal article::research article
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Lietuva / Lithuania (LT)
Lietuvių / Lithuanian (lt)
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