Psichofiziologinių tyrimų, naudojant poligrafą, teisinis reglamentavimas ir praktika Lietuvos Respublikoje
Kovalenko, Aleksandr |
Saldžiūnas, Vitas |
The analysis of psychophysiological examinations with the application of a polygraph conducted when investigating criminal acts showed that these examinations are important. With the help of these examinations it is possible to identify the suspect who committed a criminal act, circumstances of the incident, time of incident, scene of crime, criminal instruments and location of items seized.
- Employment of psychophysiological examinations with the application of a polygraph in the course of the pre-trial investigation is an efficient means. There are a lot of possibilities to apply this kind of examination, however, not all of them are used when investigating criminal acts due to legal, organizational and human resource problems.
- Even though the history of the employment of psychophysiological examinations with the application of a polygraph makes up 100 years and there is a considerable amount of information on this topic and it is rather diverse, it is necessary to arrange conferences and lectures, preach and disseminate it to the public through the media which would help to understand the meaning of these examinations. Particular attention should be paid to the improvement of qualification of investigators, prosecutors, judges and lawyers and provision of knowledge regarding these examinations;
- Specialists-polygraphologists of psychophysiological examinations with the application of a polygraph are to take all the possible measures to avoid mistakes and all the doubts should be evaluated to the benefit of the person researched and not against him/her. The work of specialists-polygraphologists is to be organized and done in such a way that their actions and conclusions made would be as much understandable to the investigators, prosecutors, judges and lawyers as possible. It is important that specialists use their right of specialist despite all other circumstances and refute prospectless psychophysiological examinations the results or conclusions of which may be unpredictable and/or totally unclear.
- The experience of authors and practice of the examinations implemented show that the EKT applied during the employment of a psychophysiological examination with the application of a polygraph gives the investigators, prosecutors and judges almost complete understanding as far as this conclusion and its results are concerned. EKT does not help to establish whether the suspect is guilty or not guilty, but it clearly shows whether a person knows or does not know (non-openness during the examination), and it lets refute or understand the circumstances of the crime, evidence of the participants of the proceedings, versions and details and predict further actions and tactics in making them.
Šiame straipsnyje autoriai pateikia psichofiziologinių tyrimų, naudojant poligrafą, taikymą ikiteisminio tyrimo bylose ar baudžiamosiose bylose, praktiką Lietuvos Respublikos teisėsaugos institucijose. Pirmoje dalyje autoriai apžvelgia psichofiziologinio tyrimo, naudojant poligrafą, teisinį reglamentavimą Lietuvos Respublikoje, antrojoje – psichofiziologinių tyrimų, naudojant poligrafą, praktiką, remiantis Lietuvos policijos turimais duomenimis, trečiojoje – teismo nuosprendžius ir psichofiziologinio tyrimo, naudojant poligrafą, specialisto išvadų teismo vertinimus.