Comparative Analysis: Strategic Planning for the Kazakhstani Tourism Industry
Aimagambetov, Yerkara |
Bugubaeva, Roza |
Begezhanov, Erlan |
Bespayeva, Roza |
Study of the process and content of the evaluation of strategic and program documents, assessment of regulatory impact in the Republic of Kazakhstan, and determination of further prospects for assessment development. Analysis of the strategic and program documents of national and regional government bodies regulating the development of the tourism industry, the allocation of tasks and targets for the development of tourism, as well as the risks of the implementation of tourism development programs. Evaluation of these instruments is carried out using the SMART method, and guidelines for the development of programs for regional tourism development are given. The analysis identified problems that contribute to the further development of the assessment. For performance- based management, it is proposed to introduce changes to the basic provisions, principles, system parameters and algorithm for rating the activities of central and local tourism development authorities to improve the competitiveness of tourism clusters at the national and regional levels. The scientific novelty lies in the study of the relationship between the genesis of the evaluation of strategic and program documents from the moment of the formation of the state planning system in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Nacionalinių ir regioninių valdžios institucijų strateginių ir programų dokumentų, reglamentuojančių turizmo sektoriaus plėtrą, analizė, skirta šioms problemoms spręsti ir turizmo plėtros tikslams bei turizmo plėtros programų įgyvendinimo rizikai. Šių instrumentų termino įvertinimas naudojant balų ir ekspertų vertinimo metodus „SMART“. Remiantis šia metodika, įvertinta Kazachstano Respublikos strateginiai ir programos dokumentai, atsižvelgiant į regioninių turizmo plėtros programų gaires.