Two-Chamber Parliament: Comparative Analysis and Experience of Constitutional Reforming in Ukraine
Tatsii, V. |
Petryshyn, O. |
In the process of formation and development of the institute of parliament, there is a need for timely improvement of the organisational and functional basis, constitutional and other legislation, which contributes to the effective functioning of this institution. The existing legal non-regulation, both at the level of the Constitution and at the level of current legislation, do not allow the parliament to fully exercise its functions. According to many experts, bicameralism is a serious factor in reducing political tensions in the country, as there is usually less conflict between parties in a bicameral parliament, which leads to stabilisation of parliamentary activity based on a system of checks and balances. Taking into account the actualisation of the chosen topic of the article, its purpose is to comparatively study the experience of constitutional reforming of the countries in the field of bicameral parliament introduction, generalisation of positive practice and finding opportunities for its testing in Ukraine. The peculiarity of the article has been the combination of scientific-theoretical and empirical levels of studying the issues of constitutionallegal fixing of the institute of parliament, its structure and activity, interaction with other branches of a single state power within the framework of the constitutional principle of separation of powers. The author, in view of the stated purpose, has solved the following issues: the multivariate scientific and practical approaches to the studied problems have been considered; a comparative legal analysis of the experience of forming chambers in the parliaments of the states has been conducted; conclusions and proposals on the possibility of establishing a bicameral parliament in Ukraine have been substantiated. An analysis of the role of parliaments has made it possible to come to a more thorough picture of the system of separation of powers in a particular country, about the existing restraints and counterbalances in order to further adapt the positive experience in the territory of our country and justify the relevant reforms. In addition, the analysis made it possible to state that such a reform is urgent and necessary, but it must be carried out, provided that the proposed copyright concepts are fully correlated with the vector of European integration chosen by our country.