Моделювання карти ризиків бізнес-проекту у вітроенергетиці
Author(s) |
Skrypnyk, A. V. |
Sabishchenko, O. V. |
Date Issued |
2018 |
Renewable energy is an instrument of technological leadership of the country. Increasing the profitability of investment projects in renewable energy led to a sharp increase in investment in this industry. The implementation of business projects is affected by many changes in the political, social, commercial and business environment, changes in technology, technology and productivity, the state of the environment, the current taxation, the level of inflation, legal and other aspects. This causes the presence of certain risks in the projects. The article contains a map of the risks of a business project in wind energy, which examined 27 major risks that may arise when it is sold on the territory of Ukraine. To build a risk map used software environments Microsoft Office Excel, RStudio and the programming language R.