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Домінанти антикризового управління розвитком національної економіки України в контексті сучасних глобальних викликів
Type of publication
Straipsnis recenzuojamoje Lietuvos tarptautinės konferencijos medžiagoje / Article in peer-reviewed Lithuanian international conference proceedings (P1e)
Type of publication (old)
Author(s) |
Tyshchenko, O. P. |
Title [lt]
Домінанти антикризового управління розвитком національної економіки України в контексті сучасних глобальних викликів
Other Title [en]
Dominants of Anticrisis Management of Ukraine’s National Economic Development in the Context of the Present Global Challenges
Date Issued
Date Issued |
2018 |
Is part of
International Security in the Frame of Modern Global Challenges: Collection of Scientific Works / Mykolas Romeris University, Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman
Field of Science
Abstract (en)
A comparative analysis of trends in the development of the national economy of Ukraine, on the basis of the main macroeconomic indicators, with the European neighboring countries in the 10th years of the XXI century was made. Existing cross-country imbalances that threaten national economic security are revealed. In particular, an estimation of scale, structure and reasons of external labor migration is given. The system of anti-crisis measures aimed at overcoming the existing imbalances in order to strengthen national security is substantiated.
Type of document
type::text::journal::journal article::research article
Kita / Other
Access Rights
Atviroji prieiga / Open Access