Конструювання абстрактно-логічної моделі воєннополітичного конфлікту з урахуванням сучасних тенденцій міждержавного протиборства
Author(s) |
Shevchenko, M. M. |
Date Issued |
2018 |
The purpose of the article is to construct an abstract-logical model of military-political conflict, taking into account the current trends of interstate confrontation. System-situational and system-activity approaches, diagnostic and systemtechnological methods were used to solve the research tasks. The article deals with the social-philosophical analysis of the phenomenon of convergence of innovative destructive technologies in the practice of interstate confrontation, as well as the conceptual and formal harmonization of the abstract-logical model of militarypolitical conflict with models of hybrid warfare and regional disintegration of the state. The practical significance of the study is that the main theoretical positions and concrete proposals contained in the article can be used to solve scientific and practical tasks of constructing a system model for solving military-political conflict. The development of methodological fundamentals of the technological process of solving the military-political conflict is a separate complex topic and requires careful research, which the author sets out as a purpose for further work in this area.