Europos Sąjungos prisijungimo prie Europos Žmogaus teisių ir pagrindinių laisvių apsaugos konvencijos problemos
Author(s) |
Telyčėnaitė, Karolina |
Date Issued |
2013 |
The treaty of Lisbon and the fourteenth protocol of ECHR provided an opportunity for the European Union to join the European Convention on Human Rights. There has been a strong correlation between the ECHR and the Community legal system to protect human rights in the European Union since the 70’s. Human rights, which have not been in the EU primary law, were included by the European Union’s Court of Justice. In its jurisprudence, it referred to the ECHR more often, and ECHR is named as “source of inspiration” in its practice.The aim to standardize the regulation of human rights in the European Union was first isolated in the Single European Act and Maastricht Treaties, later in Amsterdam and Nice treaties, where human rights were included in the primary legislation. It is important to note that in all of these agreements the EU has given special attention to ECHR, therefore, in order to build strong human rights protection in the EU, EU accession to the ECHR goal was raised. This would strengthen the protection of human rights in the region.