Structural Factors of Expectations Regarding the Public Drinking Water Service in a Town in Central Mexico
Juarez-Najera, Margarita |
Bustos-Aguayo, Josè Marcos |
García-Lirios, Cruz |
In the context of the health and economic crisis, indicated by the confinement and social distancing as mitigation and containment policies of the SARS CoV-2 pandemic, the expectations regarding public services are intensifying. In addition to this scenario, local elections exacerbate those expectations regarding the deterioration in the quality of the drinking water supply. The objective of the present work was to contrast a model in order to be able to discuss the findings with the state of the art. A cross-sectional, psychometric and correlational work was carried out with a selection of 100 tenants from a municipal market in central Mexico. A factorial structure was found that explained 56% of the total variance, which suggested the emergence of a common factor that would explain the synchronicity of the economic and social crises in a political crisis.