Studentų įsitraukimo veiksniai į nuotolines studijas Covid-19 pandemijos metu
Author(s) |
Černikovaitė, Miglė Eleonora |
Date Issued |
2021 |
The article analyses the factors of students’ involvement in the organisation of studies remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic and discusses opportunities for the improvement of distance studies. There are still few studies providing a comprehensive perspective on the experience of student participation in distance studies. Thus, the purpose of this article is: according to the opinion of Lithuanian higher education students, to investigate the factors of involvement of students in the organisation of the distance study process during the COVID-19 pandemic. The issue of the study is: What are the factors that determine the positive experience of distance studies? Using a quantitative study, the current situation about distance studies was revealed, students’ feedback on the possibilities of improving distance education was examined. The findings of this study show that the successful participation of students in distance studies was mainly influenced by the study environment, physical conditions, convenient and safe learning environment, consistent study process, attractive teaching materials and student employment, i.e. combining studies with work or other activities. More satisfied with distance studies — senior course of bachelor and master students, less freshmen who lack integration and socialisation during distance studies. One of the limitations of the study is that it is a relatively small study covering higher education institutions in Vilnius, which should be extended throughout Lithuania. The results of the research will have a lasting value in the scientific discussion about the process of distance studies, the possibilities of improvement and will contribute to the improvement of the quality of distance studies.