Судово-експертна діяльність та експертне забезпечення правосуддя В Україні: міжнародний досвід та євроінтеграційні процеси
Шепітько, Ірина |
The article is devoted to the problems of implementation of the international experience of forensic activities in Ukraine and the preparation of definition of European integration processes regarding the expert provision of justice in modern conditions. The author is paid attention to the issues of legal regulation of judicial expert activity and the need to harmonize the legislation of Ukraine in the context of its European integration. The author is defined the role and directions of international cooperation in the field of forensic expert activities. Some documents of UN that define the purpose and objectives of international cooperation in the field of forensic expertise were analyzed. The features of international cooperation of forensic expert institutions within the limits of Interpol were also considered. The importance of non-governmental international organizations was determined in the context of reforming expert institutions and the need for expert provision of justice. The author is paid attention to the importance of the creation and international expert organizations (associations) to support the professional activities of forensic experts and respect their rights.