Collaborative Arrangement in the Implementation of Food Security Policy in Indonesia
Author(s) |
Akbar, Muh. Firyal |
Alwi |
Susanti, Gita |
Nahruddin, Zulfan |
Date Issued |
2022 |
The purpose of this study is to analyze collaboration in the implementation of food security policies in Indonesia. This research method uses qualitative research design with a case study research strategy. The respondents in this study were: the Regent, officials, and employees of the Food Security Service; members of the DPRD (Regional People’s Representative Council); business actors in the food sector; farmers (Farmer Group Association/Gapoktan); and the community as food consumers. In this study, the data collection techniques used were: observation, in-depth interviews, FGD, and document analysis. The results showed cross-sector collaboration in the implementation of food security policies and collaborative policy implementation involving various stakeholders including food agencies, agricultural agencies, sub-district/village governments, agricultural extension agents, POKTAN (farmer groups), and economic actors related to this. Conflict of interest between these stakeholders exists, and sectoral egos are still prioritized through stakeholders’ respective programs. The result is that no program planning has emerged as a result of the accumulation of resources. Therefore, for the success of a policy that involves multiple actors, collaborative policy implementation is needed that enables a collaborative program to be created so that local food government can be realized to overcome food problems at both the local and national levels.