Dopingo prevencija: netyčinis dopingo vartojimas ir jo šaltiniai
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Licencinė sutartis Nr. MRU-EDT-956
Esama daugybės būdų, kaip asmenys, o kartu ir sportininkai gali būti veikiami įvairių tam tikrų cheminių medžiagų, apie kurias net nenutuokiame. Galbūt tai nėra taip svarbu bendrai populiacijai, kadangi jiems ir jų gyvenimui tai neturi poveikio, tačiau sportininkams, kuriems dažnai atliekama dopingo kontrolė, tai yra ypatingai svarbu ir tai gali turėti neigiamas pasekmes tokias kaip laikinas karjeros sustabdymas ar net pabaiga. Darbo tikslas - nustatyti netyčinio dopingo vartojimo ypatumus bei šaltinius. Darbo uždaviniai: (1) atskleisti netyčinio dopingo vartojimo sampratą ir veiksnius; (2) išsiaiškinti netyčinio dopingo vartojimo prevencijos teorinius aspektus; (3) kokybine perspektyva įvertinti sportininkų, trenerių ir sporto gydytojų požiūrį į netyčinio dopingo vartojimo ypatumus. Magistro darbe atliktas pusiau struktūruotas interviu su sportininkais, treneriais ir sporto gydytojais apie netyčinio dopingo vartojimo ypatumus. Nustatyta, kad galimai tiriamieji stokojo išsamių žinių ne tik apie netyčinio dopingo vartojimo mastą, bet ir apie patį reiškinį, vartojimo priežastis, šaltinius ir t.t. Tiriamieji išreiškė gana neigiamą nuomonę NADA atžvilgiu, teigdami, kad organizacija galimai per mažai vykdo šviečiamosios veikos netyčinio dopingo vartojimo atžvilgiu bei neteikia efektyvios pagalbos netyčiniu dopingo vartojimu įtariamam sportininkui. Buvo sutarta, kad sportininkas turi mažai priemonių apsiginti nuo netyčinio dopingo vartojimo įtarimų, o įrodinėjimo procese turėtų būti atsižvelgiama į konkrečią situaciją, sporto šaką, draudžiamos medžiagos pobūdį bei kiekį. Interviu metu pateikti pasiūlymai ir rekomendacijos, siekiant didinti netyčinio dopingo vartojimo prevenciją.
There are many ways in which individuals, and thus athletes, can be exposed to a wide range of certain chemicals without even knowing it. It may not be so important for the general population, as it does not affect them and their lives, but for athletes who are frequently subject to doping controls, it is particularly important and can have negative consequences such as suspension or even the end of a career. The aim of this thesis is to identify the characteristics and sources of unintentional doping. Thesis tasks: (1) to identify the concept and determinants of unintentional doping; (2) to clarify the theoretical aspects of prevention of unintentional doping; (3) to assess the attitudes of athletes, coaches, and sports doctors towards unintentional doping from a qualitative perspective. A qualitative assessment of athletes', coaches', and sports doctors’ attitudes towards unintentional doping found that the subjects may have lacked in-depth knowledge not only about the extent of unintentional doping, but also about the phenomenon itself, the causes and sources of doping etc. The subjects expressed a rather negative view of NADA, suggesting that the organization may not be doing enough to educate about unintentional doping and may not be providing effective support to athletes suspected of unintentional doping. In order to prevent unintentional doping, the majority of the respondents mentioned the need for extensive education of athletes and other sports professionals, and the specific preventive measures mentioned were: a series of seminars on anti-doping; the establishment of a unit certifying supplements for athletes next to the NADA; the dissemination of information on specific cases of unintentional doping to the NADA; the provision of consultancy services by the anti-doping agency; the appointment of a responsible person in the national team. In addition, athletes themselves need to take proactive preventive measures, such as asking about the composition of supplements, checking substances on the internet, not eating certain foods in other countries, not taking supplements that are not approved, consulting their doctors, etc. There were also mixed views on the issue of liability for an athlete caught inadvertently doping, with some respondents believing that liability should be imposed and others believing that the athlete should be exempted from liability. However, there was a consensus that the athlete has little means to defend himself against allegations of unintentional doping, and that the evidentiary process should consider the specific situation, the sport, the nature, and quantity of the prohibited substance. In the evaluation of the applicable liability measures, a warning, a reduced period of Ineligibility and a mandatory anti-doping course were suggested.