Teismo procesiniai veiksmai panaudojant elektroninę erdvę
Balniuvienė, Vaidilė |
Krasauskas, Vytautas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Petrauskas, Rimantas Alfonsas | Darbo gynimo komisijos pirmininkas / Thesis Defence Board Chairman |
Štitilis, Darius | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Rotomskis, Irmantas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Petrauskas, Rimantas Alfonsas | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Kiškis, Mindaugas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
The theme of the Magister thesis – “Processual Acts of Court Using Electronic Space”. The main definitions – the court, the process of court, justice, processual act, processual documents, electronic space. Special points are analyzed in this thesis, which make influence on juridical regulation of the acts of court process, including the participants of court process of the court, using electronic space, the level of the implementation of the strategic documents and initiatives of EU on electronic space as well as various planning documents in Lithuania. The practice of court process of foreign countries using electronic space is analyzed in this thesis as well as analogous possibilities in Lithuania. Significant attention is payed to the importance of electronic space and the court process in everyday social life. The importance of harmonious development is proved, the statistical data of using information technologies (electronic space) as well as the reports of court acts are analyzed Bigger attention is shown for the implementation of civil process acts (less – for administrative or criminal ones) on the usage of electronic space. Thanks to this process people are enabled to fight for their injured rights. The benefit of the usage of electronic space is obvious. The world-wide practice of the implementation of the acts of processual court using electronic space witnesses not only the level of services but also the motives, thanks to which the possibility to make quite a variety of processual acts from any physical place of presence by means of using electronic space in one or another country was granted to people. The peculiarities of the valid rules of the Civil Code of Lithuania, changes which are proposed for the more intensive usage of electronic space and the effect of the changes are analyzed in this thesis. The analysis of the data gathered in the process of the work and that of the performed investigation of the data collected from the Lithuanian institutions (expert investigation) confirms that the performance of the processual acts of court by means of using electronic space is topical for Lithuania since there are plenty of problems to be solved in this domain, such as material welfare, improvement of administrative skills or legal regulation.