The Protection of Minority Shareholders in the European Union
Kolosovska, Daria |
Licencinė sutartis Nr. MRU-EDT-855
This thesis is devoted to the concept of minority shareholders, the determination of their legal position, the rights and ways of their protection. In the thesis, the author makes an attempt to determine the concepts of “minority shareholder” and “majority shareholder”, as well as an analysis of most ways to protect (which are existing today) rights of minority shareholders and creation of a balance of the rights of minority and majority shareholders. This study is based on the legal practice of various (both EU members and non-EU members), analyzes the level of security of individual groups of the rights of minority shareholders at the level of different states and, in general, at the level of the European Union. The study is aimed at determining the current situation with the protection of the rights of minority shareholders in the EU, as well as the search for ways to improve it and increase the degree of their security.