Teisiniai santykiai ir jų rūšys
Zlatkienė, Inga |
Nikitinas, Vladas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Šlapkauskas, Vytautas | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Arlauskas, Saulius | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Beinoravičius, Darijus | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Vaišvila, Alfonsas | Darbo gynimo komisijos pirmininkas / Thesis Defence Board Chairman |
Spruogis, Ernestas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Baublys, Linas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Šlapkauskas, Vytautas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Magistro baigiamajame darbe yra kalbama apie teisinių santykių sampratą, požymius, struktūrą, teisinių santykių rūšis bei jų atpažinimą praktikoje. Autorius analizuodamas Lietuvos bei užsienio teisės teoretikų mintimis patiekia dvejopą teisinių santykių sampratą, kur vieni teisininkai teigia, kad teisiniai santykiai yra teisės normomis sureguliuoti visuomeniniai santykiai, kiti tvirtina, kad teisiniai santykiai yra ypatingos rūšies visuomeniniai santykiai, t.y. visuomeninio santykio teisinė forma. Nepriklausomai nuo to kaip teisiniai santykiai apibrėžiami, darbe yra išskiriami pagrindiniai teisinių santykių požymiai, kurie ir atskiria juos nuo visuomeninių santykių. Pabrėžiama, kad teisiniai santykiai yra tokie visuomeniniai santykiai kurie apibrėžti teisinėmis normomis arba teisiniais principais, juose dalyvauja tam tikri dalyviai, teisės teorijoje vadinami subjektais turinčiais subjektines teises ir teisines pareigas, jie yra realaus ir faktinio visuomeninio santykio teisinė išraiška, taip pat jie turi tam tikrą struktūrą, susidedančią iš atskirų, sudėtingų ir tarpusavyje susijusių elementų - subjektas, objektas, turinys, forma - kurie literatūros analizės bei lyginamojo metodo pagalba darbe labai plačiai aprašomi.
The master’s degree thesis deals with the concept, features, structure, and types of legal relations as well as identification thereof in practice. In this analysis the author invokes the ideas of Lithuanian and foreign law theoreticians to present an ambivalent concept of legal relations where one lawyers hold that legal relations are public relations regulated by the rules of law, while others maintain that legal relations are public relations of a specific type, i.e., a legal form of the public relation. Whatever the definition of legal relations is, the thesis singles out basic features of the legal relations which point them out of public relations. It is highlighted that legal relations are such public relations which are defined by legal provisions or rules; there are certain actors in these relations called entities in the theory of law. These legal entities exercise individual rights and legal obligations; they are the legal expression of realistic and factual public relation. Also, they have a certain structure consisting of individual, complicate and interrelated elements – entity, subject matter, contents, form – which are widely discussed in the paper using the analysis and comparative method. The thesis focuses on the types of legal relations and their identification in practice. Every person willing to use the statutory legalised law at legal capacity level and to convert legal capacity into individual right shall enter various legal relations constituting a means and method of personal rights and righteous interests. Entering one type of legal relations ensues entering another type of legal relations. In the analysis of various legal relations the author gives explanations as to why legal relations of a certain type are identified as one or another specific branch of law. In order to attribute legal relations to a certain branch of law, it is necessary to find out whether the legal relations appear in the field of public or private management, whether any one entity is obligatory, what kind of legal remedies are applied (administrative or judicial), and to whom the entity is amendable to in case of violation of the rules of law. The answers to the mentioned questions enable identification of the legal relations as an appropriate branch of law. The detailed analysis showed that participation in legal relations does not always depend on the entity’s will. For example, some persons are willing to enter into legal relations and they are desirable or undesirable and unbeneficial, while others don’t want to get bound by legal relations but get involved anyway and then should act as the actors in the legal relations.