Privatus pensijų kaupimas: privalumai ir trūkumai
Ostapkevičiūtė-Bradulienė, Ramunė |
Gineitienė, Zina | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Dobravolskas, Algis | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Mikaila, Mindaugas | Darbo gynimo komisijos pirmininkas / Thesis Defence Board Chairman |
Černiauskas, Gediminas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Sasnauskas, Algis | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Rakauskienė, Ona Gražina | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Iki šiol gyvavusi pensijų sistema neužtikrino pakankamai pajamų senatvėje. Žmogus sulaukęs pensinio amžiaus pensiją gaudavo tik iš vienintelio šaltinio Sodros. Mokamos pensijos dydį nulemdavo dirbančiųjų ir pensininkų santykis bei ekonominė padėtis. Dirbantys žmonės nedaug tegalėjo įtakoti savo būsimas pensijas, todėl pribrendo būtinos prielaidos naujai pensijų reformai. Reformos tikslas - užtikrinti Lietuvos Respublikos gyventojų papildomas pajamas senatvėje. Naujosios pensijų sistemos įvedimas yra svarbus žingsnis modernizuojant Lietuvos socialinio draudimo sistemą. Žmonėms sudaroma galimybė tiesiogiai dalyvauti pensijų reformoj. Galėdami laisvai apsispręsti ar kaupti ir kur kaupti savo pensiją, žmonės tampa atsakingi už savo geresnį gyvenimą senatvėje. Naujoji pensijų reforma, Lietuvoje prasidėjusi prieš tris metus, šiuo metu dar kelia didelį žmonių susidomėjimą ir diskusijas, ar ji yra naudinga. Ši tema yra aktuali, nes pensijų reforma daugumai žmonių nulems ateitį. Norint užtikrinti sėkmingą pensijų reformos eigą svarbus visuomenės pritarimas ir palaikymas. Tam, kad visuomenė galėtų aktyviai dalyvauti ir palaikyti vykdomą reformą, būtinas pakankamas visuomenės narių informuotumas.
For a long time, until now, the existing pension system did not secure enough of income in the senescence. The only source of income for the pensioners was from the Social security office (SODRA). The pension in many cases used to depend on the proportion of the labor force and pensioners, also economic situation. Most often working people could not influence on their pensions in the future, therefore the reform of the pension system became necessary. The aim of the reform was to ensure extra-incomes in the senescence for the citizens of Lithuania. Introducing of a new pension system is a very important step in modernizing Lithuanian social insurance system. In this way people were given the possibility directly to participate in this reform. Being able to decide whether to save or not, where to save your pension, people become responsible for their better future after they get old. The new reform, which started three years ago in Lithuania, still makes people discus if it is useful or not. Moreover, this topic is relevant because it may be decisive on people‘s future. To ensure the successful process of the reform, the support and acceptance of the society is important. In order to make the society as an active participant and supporter, it is necessary to provide a lot of information about it. Participation in this reform is not compulsory therefore the number of the participants in it is quite low. Many have a very skeptical and unsafe attitude towards the possibility to save your pension in a private fund. Innovations are always scary, especially if they are related with the social welfare. Furthermore, people are afraid to risk because there is no long-term pension saving experience yet in Lithuania. At the beginning of this thesis it was talked about how the reform started and all three stages of the pension system were described. In order to find out all the advantages and disadvantages of the private saving, the most attention was concentrated to the second pension stage. Also there was talked about who, when and how may participate in the private pension saving. How is it regulated and who is monitoring this process to make it transparent and fare? There were described all the difficulties that people meet when they try to take care of their senescence. The comparison of the insurance and administrative companies that work with the private pension saving was given in this thesis as well. Finally, all the information about the current pension funds was summarized and by using all the statistic data the comparison analysis was done. In order to make it more clear how companies work with the private pension saving and how these funds function, there was given a detailed analysis of one company providing that kind of services – “Finasta investment management”. The strengths and weaknesses of the new pension system were provided as well. Therefore, we can not state the reform of the pension system and the private pension saving is going by 100% to ensure a better life in the senescence as well as we can not state that in 30ty years the pensions are going to be as low as they are now. To decide about the advantages and creditability of pension funds is too early. Three years of an experience of the private saving is a too short time period to see if a person won or lost putting his money in a private pension fund.