Persona non grata principas valstybių diplomatiniuose santykiuose
Japertaitė, Ingrida |
Žilinskas, Justinas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Birštūnaitė, Laima | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Siniovas, Vladimiras | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Katuoka, Saulius | Darbo gynimo komisijos pirmininkas / Thesis Defence Board Chairman |
Staniulis, Darius | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Jakulevičienė, Lyra | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Gineitis, Alvydas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Biekša, Laurynas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Tarptautinės teisės principas persona non grata, svarbią reikšmę tarptautinėje praktikoje įgyjo kaip priimančiosios valstybės atsakomoji priemonė prieš diplomatiniais imunitetais piktnaudžiaujančius asmenis. Iš pradžių diplomatiniu papročiu egzistavusi norma vėliau buvo įtvirtinta 1961 m. Vienos konvencijoje dėl diplomatinių santykių, kuri iškelia du svarbiausius principo taikymo aspektus – priimančiosios valstybės galimybė diplomatą persona non grata paskelbti bet kuriuo metu ir teisė nenurodyti savo sprendimo motyvų. Principo taikymą laike galima skaidyti į dvi dalis: iki diplomato atvykimo į priimančios valstybės teritoriją ir diplomatui jau esant priimančioje valstybėje. Prieš atvykstant į priimančios valstybės teritoriją, diplomatas privalo gauti agremaną (ambasadoriui) arba sutikimą (karo, jūrų, aviacijos atašė ar specialiųjų misijų nariams). Jeigu priimančioji valstybė nesuteikia agremano/sutikimo arba jų atšaukia, atsiranda prielaida teigti, kad kandidatas į diplomatus priimančioje valstybėje yra persona non grata. Tokie valstybės veiksmai apima persona non grata principo samprata plačiąja prasme. Diplomatui esant priimančiosios valstybės teritorijoje ir piktnaudžiaujant jam suteiktais diplomatiniais imunitetais, valstybė gali imtis atsakomųjų veiksmų – paskelbti asmenį nepageidaujamu ir išsiųsti jį iš šalies. Tai dažniausiai atliekama siunčiant notą atstovaujamosios valstybės atstovybei ir yra suprantama kaip persona non grata principo samprata siaurąja prasme.
The fundamental of International law persona non grata came from international custom and appeared as a countermeasure of the receiving state against abuse of diplomatic immunities. Nowadays this fundamental is find in 1961 Vienna Convention of Diplomatic Relations. It is possible to consider this fundamental in two aspects – the receiving state possibility to declare persona non grata at any time and without having to explain its decision. The fundamental’s application at any time may be considered in two ways – before the diplomatic agent comes into the territory of the receiving state and after it. The sending sate must make certain that the agrement of the receiving state has been given for the person it proposes to acredit as a head of the mission to that state. In yhe case of military, naval, air attaches or the members of the special mission, the sending state must take the approval of the receiving state. If the agrement or approval was given, it would have meant that the diplomatic agent would be persona grata in the receiving state and vice versa. It looks to be possible to define the fundamental in a broad sence. In this way a diplomatic agent is not declared as non grata in officially but he purpose of the receiving state is the same. In case if a receinivg state uses its countermeasure against abuse of diplomatic immunities and declares a diplomatic agent as persona non grata in pfficially, it is possible to define the fundamental in a proper. The receiving state gives a reasonable period to leave its territory. The question is may a diplomatic agent who is declared as non grata keep its diplomatic functions during the reasonalbe period. To avoid a misundersdanding it would be purposeful to specify the 43 article (b) of Vienna Convention of Diplomatic Relations and incorporate that function of a diplomatic agent come to end inter alia on notification by the receiving state to not refuze to recognize the diplomatic agent as a member of the mission, but the decision the declare him or her as persona non grata. The singularity to declare persona non grata without having to explain its decision can help to keep the stable and friendly relationships between different countries. Unfortunately sometimes it appeares as abuse of these countries to use tit-for-tat method in response of other state’s analogical actions. Despite of that the doctire shows us some reasons of declaring persona non grata. For example espionage, interventionism, propagation, terrorism, breach rules of the road, etc. The list of these reasons can not be finite.