ES konstitucinis teismas ES viešojo administravimo sistemoje
Vyšniauskaitė - Atroškienė, Birutė |
Kulakauskas, Antanas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Liekis, Šarūnas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Chlivickas, Eugenijus | Darbo gynimo komisijos pirmininkas / Thesis Defence Board Chairman |
Janušauskienė, Diana | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Pranckietytė, Gražina | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Vaišnoras, Alfonsas | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Šiame magistro darbe yra plėtojama tai, kad Europos Bendrijų Teisingumo Teismas (ETT) kaip institucija, veikianti Europos Sąjungos viešojo administravimo sistemoje, atlieka Bendrijų konstitucinio teismo funkcijas kaip aukščiausiasis konstitucijos aiškintojas ir turi pareigą, esant normų kolizijai, apibrėžti konstitucinio pagrindo, reikalingo dalyvaujant Europos integracijos procese, turinį, apimtį ir ribas. Darbe yra siekiama parodyti, kad ETT, vykdydamas viešojo administravimo reguliavimo funkciją, savo praktikoje priimamais sprendimais neleidžia valstybių narių, kaip ES administracinių vienetų, nacionaliniams teismams jų nagrinėjamose bylose priimti sprendimus, išeinančius už ES teisės ribų, tai yra priimtus, vadovaujantis netinkamai išaiškinta teisės norma arba nuostata, prieštaraujančia Europos Bendrijos teisei. Darbe taip pat yra siekiama parodyti, kad ETT kaip EB institucija, įkurta Europos Bendrijos teisės vienodinimui ir darniam taikymui užtikrinti, negalėjo sėkmingai funkcionuoti, neatsižvelgiant į istorinės EB raidos metu atsiradusius naujus poreikius. ETT sėkmingai vykdydamas savo funkcijas įtakojo tokios Bendrijos teisinės sistemos, kokią mes turime dabar – vieningos, harmoningos, nepriklausomos -, suformavimą, įgyvendindamas EB sutarties 220 straipsnyje nustatytą Bendrijos teisės sergėtojo vaidmenį, jis ir toliau aktyviai dalyvauja šios teisės tobulinimo procese. ETT jam suteiktos apibrėžtos jurisdikcijos ribose vykdydamas jam priskirtas funkcijas prašymų priimti prejudicinį sprendimą procese bei nagrinėdamas ieškinius dėl įsipareigojimų nevykdymo, panaikinimo ir neveikimo padarė neabejotiną poveikį tiek Bendrijos teisės aktų leidybai, tiek valstybių narių nacionalinėms teisės sistemoms, tiek įtaką nacionalinių teismų veiklai bei kiekvienam ES piliečiui.
The present Master degree thesis develops the concept that the Court of Justice of the European Communities (ECJ), as an institution functioning within the system of the European public administration, performs the functions of a Community Constitutional Court acting as the supreme constitutional interpreter and, in the event of a collision of norms, is vested with the responsibility to determine the content, scope and limits of the constitutional basis that is necessary for the participation in the process of European integration. The work aims to show that in the performance of the function of regulating public administration, the ECJ by means of its judgements prevents the national courts of Member States – as administrative entities of the EU – to take such decisions in the cases before them that could exceed the boundaries of the EU law, i.e. would be taken on the basis of a wrongly interpreted legal norm or a provision that contradicts the Community law. It is also attempted to demonstrate in the work that the ECJ, as an institution of the European Communities founded with the aim to unify the Community law and ensure consistency in its application, could not function effectively without taking regard of the new demands that emerged in the course of the historical development of the European Communities. By successfully performing its functions and implementing the role of the ‘supervisor’ of Community law attributed to him by Article 220 of the Treaty of the European Communities, the ECJ has facilitated the Community legal system to become as it is today – unified, balanced and independent – and it is continuing to be actively involved in the process of the further development of this law. In performing its functions in the process of referrals for preliminary rulings and hearing actions for failure to fulfil obligations, actions for annulment and actions for failure to act, as falling within the determined scope of its jurisdiction, the ECJ has had a significant effect both on the Community legislative process, national legal systems of the Member States, the activity of national courts and on individual citizens of the European Union. Therefore, the work analyses not only the procedure of preliminary ruling, as one of the measures of the function performed by the ECJ in the area of European public administration, it also examines the development of the European Communities before the Treaty of Nice and beyond by looking into the issues of the division of competences between the European Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance as well as the inevitable relationship with national courts, the attitude towards the Community law of the latter and the complicated problem of constitutional boundaries of the European integration. The work also includes the analysis of the prospects of the ECJ activity from the perspective of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe with the focus given to a number of controversial constitutional issues: supremacy, attribution of competences, judicial kompetenz-kompetenz. Thus the aim of the present Master thesis was to analyse whether the ECJ, in the performance of its functions in the system of the European public administration to influence the development of the Community law, the division of competences, and the decisions passed by national courts could be comparable with a state institution that performs similar public administration functions on a national level, as well as to evaluate from the point of law the ECJ, as an institution performing its unique function of supervising the Community law, and the process of the implementation of this role within the aspect of various past and future legal reforms introduced by the European Communities.