Pinigų plovimas ir jo įtaka finansų sistemai
Muliuolis, Vytis |
Strumskis, Mindaugas | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Miškinis, Algirdas | Darbo gynimo komisijos pirmininkas / Thesis Defence Board Chairman |
Novikevičius, Vaitiekus | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Raišutis, Aivaras | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Termino „pinigų plovimas” kilmė siekia 1920 metus, kuomet nusikaltėliai JAV legalizuodavo nusikalstamu būdu gautus grynuosius pinigus per specialiai tam tikslui įsteigtą viešųjų skalbyklų tinklą. Vienas iš šio nelegalaus verslo pradininkų buvo gangsteris Al Capone (1899 – 1947). Išskiriamas tam tikras cikliškumas, būdingas pinigų plovimo stadijoms. Jis dar vadinamas trijų stadijų pinigų plovimo modeliu: išdėstymo (placement), sluoksniavimo arba transformacijos (layering) ir integracijos (integration) stadijos. Analizuojami labiausiai paplitę pinigų plovimo proceso įgyvendinimo būdai. Išskiriama, jog pasinaudojimas ofšoriniais finansiniais centais bei informacinių technologijų priemonėmis yra vieni dažniausių. Dėl šios priežasties skiriamas ypatingas dėmesys teisnių – prevencinių priemonių užtikrinimui šiose srityse. Darbe, remiantis įvairių mokslininkų siūlomomis metodikomis, nagrinėjamos pinigų plovimo neigiamos pasekmės mikroekonominiu, makroekonominiu ir tarptautiniu lygiu. Išskiriamos ir netiesioginės pinigų plovimo grėsmės. Pirmoji pasaulio valstybė pripažinusi pinigų plovimą kriminaliniu nusikaltimu, buvo JAV (1986 m.). 1988 metais prabilta apie tarptautinio bendradarbiavimo būtinumą kovojant su šiuo nusikaltimu. Europos Sąjungoje pagrindiniai teisės aktai šioje srityje priimti 1990 – 1991 metais. Kova su pinigų plovimu Lietuvoje pradėta 1997 metais, kuomet buvo priimti baudžiamieji ir administraciniai teisės aktai, pripažįstantys pinigų plovimą baudžiamuoju nusikaltimu ir numatantys administracines – prevencines priemones kovai su šiuo nusikaltimu. Šiuose ir vėlesniuose teisės aktuose numatytos institucijos, įgaliotos arba įpareigotos vykdyti pinigų plovimo prevencines priemones, tirti šiuos nusikaltimus. Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamajame kodekso 216 straipsnyje numatyta baudžiamoji atsakomybė už nusikalstamu būdu įgytų pinigų ar turto legalizavimą. Remiantis oficialiais šaltiniais, atlikta ikiteisminių tyrimų, pradėtų dėl galimo pinigų plovimo Lietuvoje. Nagrinėjami gauti statistiniai duomenys, analizuojamos probleminės priežastys. Šiame darbe, remiantis Lietuvos ir tarptautinių teisės aktų susijusių su kovos su pinigų plovimu teisiniu reglamentavimu lyginamąja analize, atliktų ikiteisminio tyrimo bylų bei jų nagrinėjimo pirmos instancijos teismuose praktika, siūlomos Lietuvos teisės aktų tobulinimo galimybės.
The term „money laundering” is said to originate from Mafia ownership of Laundromats in the United States. Gangsters there were earning huge sums in cash from extortion, prostitution, gambling and bootleg liquor. They needed to show a legitimate source for these monies. One of the ways in which they were able to do this was by purchasing outwardly legitimate businesses and to mix their illicit earnings with the legitimate earnings they received from these businesses. Laundromats were chosen by these gangsters because they were cash businesses and this was an undoubted advantage to people like Al Capone (1899 – 1947) who purchased them. There is typical method of money laundering procedures. It divides in three stages: 1. Initial or placement stage of money laundering, the launderer introduces his illegal profits into the financial system; 2. Second – or layering – stage. In this phase, the launderer engages in a series of conversions or movements of the funds to distance them from their source; 3. Third stage – integration – in which the “laundered” funds re-enter the legitimate economy. Generally, money launderers tend to seek out areas in which there is a low risk of detection due to weak or ineffective anti-money laundering programmes. For this reason offshore financial centers are commonly used. Because the objective of money laundering is to get the illegal funds back to the individual who generated them, launderers usually prefer to move funds through areas with stable financial systems. The Financial Action Task Force (FATF) is the organization with primary responsibility for developing a world-wide anti-money laundering framework, in close cooperation with relevant international organizations (International Monetary Fund, Interpol and etc.). Money laundering is analyzed from the point of view of criminal and administrative laws. The laws of Republic of Lithuania which set a penal amenability are discussed. Money laundering prevention measures and international cooperation when solving this matter is reviewed. In Lithuania, money laundering is now criminalized under Article 216 of Penal Code, dealing with “Legislation of money or property acquired in a criminal way”. The mission of the Financial Crime Investigation Service (FCIS) is to reinforce protection of the financial system of the State, ensure the disclosure, investigation and prevention of crimes against and violations of the financial system as well as them related crimes and other irregularities. According to the Law on Prevention of Money Laundering, the Division of Prevention of Money Laundering was established in the FCIS. There are some statistical data about investigated money laundering cases, review of actual problems. Negative consequences. The integrity of the banking and financial services marketplace depends heavily on the perception that it functions within a framework of high legal, professional and ethical standards. A reputation for integrity is the one of the most valuable assets of a financial institution. If funds from criminal activity can be easily processed through a particular institution – either because its employees or directors have been bribed or because the institution turns a blind eye to the criminal nature of such funds – the institution could be drawn into active complicity with criminals and become part of the criminal network itself. Evidence of such complicity will have a damaging effect on the attitudes of other financial intermediaries and of regulatory authorities, as well as ordinary customers. As for the potential negative macroeconomic consequences of unchecked money laundering, the International Monetary Fund has cited inexplicable changes in money demand, prudential risks to bank soundness, contamination effects on legal financial transactions, and increased volatility of international capital flows and exchange rates due to unanticipated cross-border asset transfers. As with the damaged integrity of an individual financial institution, there is a damping effect on foreign direct investment when a country’s commercial and financial sectors are perceived to be subject to the control and influence of organized crime.