Žmonių elgsenos administracinio teisinio reguliavimo sistema (Kelių eismo saugumo užtikrinimo srityje)
Kascėnas, Šarūnas |
Šedbaras, Stasys | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Šulija, Vytautas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Sabatauskas, Julius | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Dziegoraitis, Algimantas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Kalašnykas, Remigijus | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Novikovas, Andriejus | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Urmonas, Algimantas | Darbo gynimo komisijos pirmininkas / Thesis Defence Board Chairman |
Žilinskas, Dainius | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Kalesnykas, Raimundas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Magistro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjama žmonių elgsenos administracinio teisinio reguliavimo sistema kelių eismo saugumo užtikrinimo srityje, jos sudėtis ir funkcionavimas. Darbo tikslas - ištirti sistemos veiksmingumą, kuris vertinamas pagal pasiektus rezultatus užtikrinant eismo saugumą šalyje objektyvių statistinių duomenų analizės pagalba. Darbą sudaro dvi pagrindinės dalys. Pirmoje dalyje atskleidžiamos eismo saugumo problemos Lietuvoje: pateikiant statistinius duomenis apibūdinama eismo saugumo situacija ir tendencijos, apibudinami eismo proceso komponentai, nuo kurių priklauso eismo saugumas, jų santykis su žmonių elgsena, o taip pat socialiniai ir psichologiniai veiksniai, įtakojantys eismo dalyvių elgesį. Antroji dalis skirta žmonių elgsenos administracinio teisinio reguliavimo sistemos eismo saugumo užtikrinimo srityje ir jos veikimo analizei. Aptariami pagrindiniai eismo saugumo užtikrinimą reglamentuojantys teisės aktai, suskirstant esamą teisinę bazę į dvi dalis: strateginę (metodologinę) ir taktinę (metodinę). Toliau nagrinėjamas žmonių elgsenos administracinio teisinio reguliavimo sistemos eismo saugumo užtikrinimo srityje veikimas. Pateikiama eismo saugumo užtikrinimo organizacinė struktūra, apimanti pagrindinius šioje srityje veikiančius subjektus, apibudinamas jų vaidmuo šioje struktūroje, išskiriant teigiamus jų veiklos aspektus, o taip pat trūkumus ir galimus jų neutralizavimo būdus. Taip pat šioje dalyje analizuojamas atskirų eismo proceso komponentų - eismo dalyvių elgsenos, transporto priemonių techninės būklės kontrolės, keliu saugumo užtikrinimo - administracinis teisinis reguliavimas.
The system of administrative legal regulation of human behaviour in the field of road traffic safety assurance, its composition and functioning is analysed in this master‘s paper. The purpose of the paper is to analyse the effectiveness of the system. The effectiveness is estimated on the basis of the results achieved while assuring the road traffic safety in the country with the help of the analysis of objective statistical date. The paper is composed of two main parts. The problems of road traffic safety are revealed in the first part of the paper. The road traffic safety situation and its tendencies are described by presenting statistical data, the components of road traffic process affecting the road traffic safety, their relation with human behaviour, as well as social and psychological factors affecting the behaviour of road users are also described. The second part of the paper is designed for the analysis of the system of administrative legal regulation of human behaviour in the field of road traffic safety assurance and its functioning. The main legislative acts regulating road traffic assurance are discussed; and the current legislative framework is divided into 2 parts: strategic (methodological) and tactical (methodical). Hereafter the functioning of the system of administrative legal regulation of human behaviour in the field of road traffic safety assurance is analysed. The organizational structure of road traffic safety assurance encompassing the main subjects acting in this field is presented, the role of such subjects with emphasis on positive aspects of their activity, as well as their faults and possible ways of their neutralization is described. Administrative legal regulation of individual components of traffic process – behaviour of road users, control of technical condition of vehicles, road traffic safety assurance – is analysed in the same part. While analysing administrative legal regulation of the behaviour of road users the greatest attention is given to the behaviour of drivers because they cause the majority of road traffic accidents and violations of road-traffic regulations. The main faults of driver training and road traffic control are revealed, the suggestions of the ways of their corrections are presented. The procedure and the problems that affect road traffic safety of state roadworthiness tests in the field of control of technical condition of vehicles, as well as the possibilities to increase the efficiency of roadworthiness tests are analysed. The research of road safety is carried out and the the means recommended by scientists are implemented on public highways. The assurance of safety on municipal roads and streets is insufficiently controlled and coordinated countrywide. The material analysed in the master’s paper allows the conclusion that the system of administrative legal regulation of human behaviour in the field of road traffic safety assurance is insufficiently effective. The main causes of such situation – the lack of coordination and control of road traffic safety assurance countrywide, insufficient monitoring of safety on the roads and administrative liability for the offences of road-traffic regulations. The proposal to reorganize Traffic Safety Committee and its activities is made in this paper so that the committee could successfully carry out its functions. It is also proposed to increase the effectiveness of road traffic control by withdrawing the functions unrepresentative to the police, by using modern technologies of traffic control and the assistance of the community. For the purpose of better effect of administrative penalties on the offenders of road-traffic regulations it is advisable to revise some provisions of the Code of administrative offences.