Korupcijos ir organizuoto nusikalstamumo santykis
Ivanauskas, Rytis |
Jurgelaitienė, Gitana | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Starkus, Saulius | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Uscila, Rokas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Babachinaitė, Genovaitė | Darbo gynimo komisijos pirmininkas / Thesis Defence Board Chairman |
Junokas, Valentinas | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Kiškis, Alfredas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Šio darbo tema yra korupcijos ir organizuoto nusikalstamumo santykis. Su korupcijos ir organizuoto nusikalstamumo problema susiduria daugelis pasaulio valstybių. Korupcija yra socialinis reiškinys labai įtakojantis valstybės ir jos visuomenės narių gyvenimą. Pavyzdžiui, ji sukelia socialines-politines, ekonomines ir kitokio pobūdžio pasekmes. Valstybės valdyme įsivyrauja nestabilumas, o žmonės pradeda nepasitikėti valdžios institucijomis. Be to, jie paprastai gauna žemesnio lygio socialines paslaugas nei priklauso. Korupcija ir organizuotas nusikalstamumas yra labai glaudžiai susiję vienas su kitu. Organizuoti nusikaltėliai duoda kyšius valstybės pareigūnams siekiant saugiai tęsti savo nusikalstamą veiklą, išvengti sulaikymo ar nuteisimo, gauti tam tikras neteisėtas paslaugas ar netgi atsikratyti konkuruojančių nusikaltėlių. Taigi korumpuotas pareigūnas gauna neteisėtą atlygį už veiksmus ar sprendimus arba neveikimą, tuo pažeidžiant atitinkamoje valstybėje veikiantys įstatymai. Štai kodėl korupcija yra laikoma vienu iš organizuoto nusikalstamumo požymių. Tyrimo duomenys rodo, kad organizuoto nusikalstamumo ir korupcijos atvejai dažniausiai pasitaiko šiose sferose/srityse: muitinės formalumų tvarkymo, privatizavimo, licencijų (leidimų), pažymų išdavimo, registravimo srityje. Toliau - teisingumą įgyvendinančiose institucijose, policijoje, viešuose pirkimuose ir kitos sferose. Labiausiai korupcijos pažeistos sritys šiuo metu yra: viešųjų pirkimų sritis, policijos įstaigos, licencijų (leidimų), pažymų išdavimo, registravimo sritis.
This article is about relation between corruption and organized crime. Corruption and organized crime is a very serious problem in many countries of the world indeed. The corruption is a social phenomenon that makes a great impact for the states and for its society life. It brings for instance social-political, economical and other consequences. The governance of the state becomes unstable usually. People start look at the political and other institutions with distrust. Furthermore they sometimes get social services that are much lower quality than it must be given and etc. Corruption and organized crime are very closely related with each other. Organized criminals give bribes to the officers of the state seeking to continue their illegal activity safely, avoid being arrested or sentenced to jail, get some unlawful services or even get rid of other rival criminals if its in need. So the corrupted officer gets unlawful salary for made illegal action/ decision or for being passive in some situations. This is why the corruption is thought to be the one of attributes that describes organized crime. The survey showed that the most popular spheres where the corruption and organized crime appear are the following: the customs routine work regulation sphere, privatization, the issuance of documents, various references sphere. Then goes the police and other institutions. The most corrupted spheres in general are: the public procurement sphere, the police institutions and the issuance of documents, various references. In my opinion, the community must be involved in the fight against corruption, seminars about its attributes, consequences and etc. must be organized. Not only for community but and for the officers of the state who govern it. The code of ethics for judges and other officers can be also as a good preventive measure. Moreover the officers of the law enforcement must be applied with modern technical devices and the financial situation must be improved immediately. Furthermore, international cooperation with other countries is also a good measure that should be developed further. If we succeed in the fight against the corruption, the organized crime will come across with big difficulties for their illegal activity because as I have mentioned relation between them is very close. In general the author think that there must be a strong will of the great officers of the state seeking to fight against corruption and organized crime. Otherwise the fight will be only formal and as a deception.