Lietuvos Respublikos transporto sistemos teisinis reguliavimas
Jasiulionis, Gintautas |
Radžiukynas, Juozas | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Budgenas, Rymantas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Rimkus, Vladas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Gurevičienė, Jūratė Jadvyga | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Laurinavičius, Alfonsas | Darbo gynimo komisijos pirmininkas / Thesis Defence Board Chairman |
Reklaitis, Jonas | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Darbe nagrinėtas Lietuvos Respublikos transporto sistemos teisinis reguliavimas ir valdymas. Darbas atliktas analizuojant valstybės institucijų veiklą, kurios kasdieniniame darbe betarpiškai susiduria su transporto sistemos teisiniu reguliavimu ir valdymu. Darbas įrodo, kad Lietuvoje yra pakankamai institucijų galinčių užtikrinti tinkamą transporto sistemos teisinį reguliavimą ir valdymą, o pilnavertė teisinė bazė padeda joms tai įgyvendinti. Transportas yra neatsiejama kiekvienos savarankiškos valstybės sudėtinė dalis. Be transporto negali funkcionuoti nei viena savarankiškos valstybės ūkio šaka. Šiuo darbu buvo siekiama supažindinti su Lietuvos Respublikos transporto sistema, jos istorine raida, pagrįsti nuomonę, kad Lietuvos Respublikos transporto sistemos teisinis reglamentavimas grindžiamas kodeksais ir įstatymais bei įvardinti institucijas, kurios Lietuvoje vykdo transporto sistemos teisinį reguliavimą ir valdymą. Lietuvos Respublikos transporto sistemos teisinio reguliavimo analizė leidžia geriau suprasti teisinio transporto reguliavimo ir valdymo institucijų padėti ir įvertinti problemas kylančias teisiškai reguliuojant atskiras transporto šakas bei pasirinkti optimalius sprendimų priėmimo variantus.
This work studies legal regulation and control of transport system of the Republic of Lithuania. The paper analyzes work of state institutions which deal directly with legal regulation and control of transport system. The research proves that there are enough institutions in Lithuania which guarantee appropriate legal regulation and control of transport system and valuable legal base helps to implement this. Transport is a very important element of every autonomous country because non branch of economy can function without it. This paper presents transport system of the Republic of Lithuania and its historical development. It also seeks to foreground the opinion that legal regulation of transport system of the Republic of Lithuania is based on codes and laws. Institutions that administrate regulation and control of transport system are also enumerated. Analysis of legal regulation of transport system of the Republic of Lithuania allows to better understand the situation of regulation and control institutions of state transport, to evaluate problems that arise when legally regulating separate branches of transport and to choose the best solutions. This paper analyzes work of state institutions which deal directly with legal regulation and control of transport system. It tries to determine what institutions in Lithuania deal with legal regulation and control of transport system and what is their part in the system of legal transport regulation. The research shows that road network is quite well developed in the Republic of Lithuania; however, technical level of railway infrastructure in Lithuania does not reach European standards. The paper shows that the main institutions of regulation and control of transport system in the Republic of Lithuania are: Government of the Republic of Lithuania, Ministry of Transport and Communication, Institutions of Municipalities, Departments of different transport branches, separate directorates of transport and transport inspections. The research proves that there are enough institutions in Lithuania which guarantee appropriate legal regulation and control of transport system. These are: Government of the Republic of Lithuania, Ministry of Transport and Communication, Institutions of Municipalities, Departments of different transport branches, separate directorates of transport and transport inspections.