Pensijų sistemos reforma. Problemos socialinių-ekonominių pokyčių Lietuvoje laikmetyje
Rėkuvienė, Jūratė |
Jūrevičienė, Daiva | Recenzentas / Rewiewer |
Mikaila, Mindaugas | Darbo gynimo komisijos pirmininkas / Thesis Defence Board Chairman |
Dobravolskas, Algis | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Rakauskienė, Ona Gražina | Darbo gynimo komisijos narys / Thesis Defence Board Member |
Magistriniame darbe „Pensijų sistemos reforma. Problemos socialinių-ekonominių pokyčių Lietuvoje laikmetyje“ analizuojama pensijų sistemos reforma Lietuvoje, jos organizavimo ir finansavimo principai, stengiantis atskleisti pensijų sistemos reformos esmę, reikšmingumą ir kryptis, išskiriant pagrindines jos problemas, tobulinimo būtinumą ir prielaidas, bei pateikiami darbo eigoje išryškėjusių problemų sprendimo būdai. Valstybinės socialinio draudimo senatvės pensijos – svarbiausia socialinės apsaugos senatvėje rūšis. Kiekvienas žmogus tikisi, kad sulaukęs senatvės ir išėjęs į pensiją, galės užsitikrinti bent jau pakankamą gyvenimo lygį. Dabartinės pensijos nėra tokios, kad leistų laisvai gyventi ir džiaugtis užtarnautu poilsiu. Lietuvoje, kaip ir daugumoje Europos šalių, pensijų sistema šiuo metu yra pagrįsta vadinamuoju einamojo finansavimo principu, t.y. dirbantieji įmokų pavidalu moka pensijas pensininkams. Įmokos, sumokėtos dabartinių dirbančiųjų, yra tuojau pat išmokamos kaip pensijos. Einamojo finansavimo pensijų sistema susiduria ir netolimoje ateityje dar smarkiau susidurs su rimtais sunkumais. Tai lemia ilgėjanti žmonių gyvenimo trukmė, mažėjantis gimstamumas, dideli emigracijos mąstai ir darbingo amžiaus žmonių, kurie dalį savo darbo užmokesčio skiria pensininkams išlaikyti, mažėjimas.
This MA, entitled “The pension reform in Lithuania. Problems during the time of social and economic changes”, analyses the pension reform, its planning and financing principles in order to establish some facts about the purpose, importance and aspects of the reform, as well as indicates its major problems and ways of improvement. Superannuation is the most important type of social security. Everyone is hoping for at least sufficient income after their retirement. Current pensions are too small to allow enjoying the well-deserved rest. In Lithuania, as in the majority of European countries, the pension system is based on the so called running-fund principle i.e. working people provide pensions by paying fees which are distributed to retirees. The running-fund pension system already encounters serious problems and their number will rise in the near future. These difficulties are caused by the increasing life expectancy, emigration, decreasing number of employable people and birth-rate. Furthermore, part of employable inhabitants are not paying the expected fees because of unemployment or earlier retirement, thus making the situation even more intense. That’s why the pension reform is so important to all the citizens of Lithuania. The issue of social guarantees is everybody's concern. In order to achieve the objective, the following structure of the MA was chosen. The paper consists of the following parts: introduction, six sections, conclusions. The first part deals with the pension system of the Republic of Lithuania, its essence, aims, operating principles, conditions and the necessity of a reform. The statute-book and the conditions of the pension reform, its main features and stages are analysed. Furthermore, this part also examines the realization of pension buildup system, accentuating the second and the third buildup stages. The second part discusses social insurance and subsidy. The succeeding one uses statistical data to analyse the key demographic and social-economic challenges that stimulated the introduction of the reform. The aims of the pension reform are given in the next part: the sufficiency, stability and modernity of the pension system according to the changeable economic and social demands. The fifth part analyzes the Republic of Lithuania’s budget’s fund allocation to pensions. Such social indicators as the conditional number of workers and pensions are compared. The sixth part overviews pension reforms in foreign countries, especially in Eastern and Central Europe. The paper ends by concluding the influence of various matters that occurred during the pension reform.