The Perception of Hate Crimes by the Decision Makers and Its Impact Upon the Regulation and Prosecution of Those Crimes
Licencinė sutartis Nr. MRU-EDT-161
Hate crime is a special category of crimes that demands additional attention of law enforcement bodies because it brings marginalizing tendencies to the society by threatening certain group through the violence against its members. During the regulation and prosecution of hate crimes it is necessary for decision maker to determine and analyze the victim of hate crime, the main peculiarities of the possible offender and conduct a proper investigation to diminish the negative effect of hate crime. In order to achieve the goals of full and comprehensive investigation and detection of hate crimes, decision makers have to understand the applied within the country policies in legal determination of hate crime, procedural aspects of enforcement of legal norms against hate crimes, apply necessary steps for complete and effective investigation of the hate crime and assistance in combating any possible manifestations of hate crimes through the provision of complete files on certain hate crime.